Former Faculty & Staff Notes

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Jim Duggan is the new athletic director at Charleston Colleg...


Jim Duggan, Assistant Director of Athletics and Teacher of Physical Education and Fitness from 2007-2023, has been appointed the new athletic director at Charleston Collegiate School. He joined the school as assistant athletic director in the fall of 2023 and became the school’s interim athletic director in the spring of 2024.

Read the announcement at:

Jamel Brinkley is awarded a 2024 Guggenheim Fellowship


Jamel Brinkley, Teacher of English from 2009-2013, has been awarded a 2024 Guggenheim Fellowship in fiction. The Guggenheim Fellowship was established in 1925 for individual writers, scholars, and artists who have demonstrated “exceptional capacity for productive scholarship or exceptional creative ability in the arts and exhibit great promise for their future endeavors.”

Jamel is the author of Witness: Stories, a finalist for the Kirkus Prize, the PEN/Faulkner Award, the Aspen Words Literary Prize, and the Joyce Carol Oates Prize. His book A Lucky Man: Stories was a finalist for the National Book Award, among others. Jamel is an assistant professor at the Writers’ Workshop at the University of Iowa.

For a complete list of the 2024 Guggenheim Fellows, visit:

Bruce Edelstein has work in art exhibition in Hudson, New Yo...


Bruce Edelstein, Teacher of Visual Arts from 2000-2022, has work in “Breakfast,” a group exhibition celebrating coffee, pastries, and companionship, at the Private Public Gallery in Hudson, New York. The exhibition is on view from Saturday, 16 March through Saturday, 6 April. A reception will take place on Saturday, 16 March, from 2:00-5:00pm. Private Public Gallery is located at 530 Columbia Street, Hudson, New York.

Former Faculty Member Margery Mandell has died


Former faculty member Margery Mandell has passed away. A lifelong New Yorker, Margery worked at Trinity from 1997 to 2012, where she served variously as an instructor in the English Department, advisor to the Trinity Times, and Upper School Dean for Co-Curricular Learning. She also oversaw the School's internship program, directed the Upper School's Community Time programming, and administered Upper School foreign travel opportunities. Outside of Trinity, she worked as a freelance journalist, a nonfiction writer, an on-air journalist for Dutch television, and was the president of the Mandell Family Foundation, which has supported a variety of causes ranging from cancer research to civil rights.

A beloved and deeply respected member of the Trinity family, she is remembered by her colleagues for her wit, her love of literature and the English language, and her devotion to her students and her family. Her enthusiasm and energy served as an inspiration to her students.

Margery was predeceased by her daughter, Katherine Sugarman, and her husband of many years, Mark Sugarman. She is survived by her daughter, Alix, and son-in-law Ben; her son, Jacob, and daughter-in-law Mariela; and her grandchildren.

A memorial service will be held for Margery in the spring.

Former Executive Assistant to the Headmaster Lee Zegar has d...


Lee Zegar, Executive Assistant to the Headmaster of Trinity School from 1987 to 1998, died on 9 June 2023 in New York City at the age of ninety-two.

A lifelong New York City resident, Lee grew up in Brooklyn and later moved to Queens. Before coming to Trinity, she worked for many years as the office manager for the shoe company I. Miller & Sons, located in the Empire State building. After moving to Manhattan, she began her Trinity career, serving as the Executive Assistant to the Headmaster from 1987 until her retirement in 1998.

Lee also volunteered at the Museum of Modern Art’s information desk and enjoyed fashion, the theater, and socializing. She is remembered by her friends for her bright, opinionated wit. In 2011, she decided to purchase a one-bedroom apartment in time for her 80th birthday. Her successful search was featured in the New York Times real estate section. "I expected to be married," she joked to the Times. "I was engaged at least three times, but I was the original runaway bride."

Former Faculty Member and Administrator Jim Iredell has died


Former faculty member and administrator Jim Iredell died on 12 June 2022 from complications of Parkinson's Disease. Mr. Iredell was born in Akron, Ohio and received his BA and MA from Case Western Reserve University.  He began his teaching career at University School in Cleveland and, after moving to New York, taught at Trinity from 1980-1992, serving also as Upper Middle School Principal. In 1996, Iredell joined his wife, Cornelia, who herself taught at Trinity from 1981-1986, as codirector of Independent School Placement, a teacher recruitment firm in New York City. A lover of trains, opera, and organ music, Iredell served on the Vestry at Church of the Holy Trinity and was a member of the Blue Hill Troupe. In addition to Cornelia, he is survived by his brother, Robert Iredell IV; and his stepson, Alexander Bauer, Trinity class of '92, Alex's wife, Colleen McCarthy, and their three sons. A memorial gathering is being  planned for the autumn.

Brian T. “Kiv” Kivlan, Teacher of Physical Educa...


Brian T. "Kiv" Kivlan, Teacher of Physical Education and Fitness at Trinity School from 1971-2013, died in Jacksonville, Florida, on 9 April 2022. He was seventy-four years old.

Born in Riverdale in the Bronx, Kivlan graduated from Bishop Dubois High School and earned his BS and MS from Manhattan College. He was the first male in New York state to run a mile in under 4:00 minutes. Nationally ranked in the mile and the 1500, Kivlan was an All-American athlete and a semifinalist in the United States Olympic Trials in 1968.

In addition to being a medaled athlete and extraordinary runner, he was an inspiring, dedicated, and talented teacher and coach during his forty-two years at Trinity.

"Brian Kivlan achieved many milestones in his long tenure at Trinity, one of which was starting the girls' soccer program," Teacher of Performing Arts and Physical Education and Fitness Thomas Bolster writes. "I owe Brian a debt of gratitude for showing me such kindness in my early days at Trinity and for believing in the vast potential of the girls' soccer program."

"When I started at Trinity in 2001, Kiv was my mentor and colleague," Assistant to the Chaplains and Director of Public Service Kara Paske Siegel said. "Kiv did have a tough exterior [...] yet he was kind with a big heart and generous spirit.”

"When I think of Kivlan the first thing that comes to mind was how generous he was with his coaching knowledge. Not only was he generous with us at Trinity but across our league," Teacher of Physical Education and Fitness Brian McKee said. "He inspired all of us to be better coaches. Also, Kivlan inspired, motivated, and saw the talent in so many students long before they even knew they had it! He will be greatly missed."

Kivlan is survived by his daughter, Kerri, son-in-law, Patrick, granddaughter, Ava Rose, and brothers, Eugene and Andrew. Gifts in Kivlan’s name may be made to the Coach James McHugh Scholarship Fund at Kivlan’s alma mater, Manhattan College.

Former Teacher of Classics Charles Thomas Bundy II has died


Charles Thomas “Mike” Bundy II, who taught classics at the Trinity School from 1958–1974, died in Eau Claire, Wisconsin on 15 February 2022. He was ninety-two years old.

Born in Eau Claire on 17 July 1929, he was the only child of Egbert Bird Bundy and Ruth Johnson Bundy. He graduated at the head of his class from Shattuck School in Faribault, Minnesota, and earned his BA from Kenyon College. As a Fulbright scholarship recipient, he spent a year in Paris and in Grenoble, France at the Université de Grenoble. After serving in the US Army in Germany for two years, he enrolled at Columbia University, where he received his MA.

During his tenure at Trinity, Mr. Bundy served as Director of Admissions, Teacher of Latin and Greek, and faculty advisor of the Trinity Times. Beloved by Trinity students, Mr. Bundy is remembered as a dynamic teacher, esteemed advisor, and remarkable individual.

"He really did have a significant impact on a lot of us. This is reinforced by the fact that many of us maintained a relationship with him from our time at Trinity up until the time he died," said Jeff Krolik ’74.

"He was a wonderful and giving human being who cared about students and tried to help them develop in any way possible. He shared his love of knowledge and this resonated with everyone," said Edmund Moore ’74.

"He was an enthusiastic teacher of Latin, a natty dresser with a sharp wit. He taught us the lost art of scanning the meter of Latin verse, a skill that only a lover of languages might wish to acquire. Most importantly, the study of Latin [with Mr. Bundy] provided me with a profound understanding of our English language that I still carry with me today," writes Donald K. Riker ’63.

"Latin was never going to be easy, but he surely made it fun, bringing the Aeneid and other texts alive in a wholly original way. His classes were miracles of improvisation and mischief, filled with little strategies to keep us on our toes," writes Andrew C.J. Bergman ’66.

"I remember Mr. Bundy as both an excellent Latin teacher and as an excellent advisor to the Trinity Times, of which I was editor. His lyric poetry class was so good that I went on to do three years of ancient Greek at Princeton so that I could read Catullus' [Latin] translations in the original!" writes William "Bill" H. Janeway ’61.

"Although I had Mr. Bundy as a Latin instructor, my main contact with him was through my participation in the Trinity Times,” writes Steven Fraccaro ’70. “He directed its production with enthusiasm and wit."

Krolik and Fraccaro have vivid and joyous memories of accompanying Mr. Bundy to Cocce Press on Barrow Street in Greenwich Village where they witnessed the printing of the newspaper and "journalism magic." "For all of us at the Trinity Times, he had a profound impact. We spent a lot of hours with him. The Trinity Times was our central extracurricular activity, and he was the central figure. He was very hands on. It was a truly educational experience," Krolik said.

"He was a very genuine individual and very supportive,” Moore said. “He made you feel like you were important. Although he was an authority figure, you didn't think of him as such. He was very down to earth and humorous and serious when needed. He was very giving and caring of everybody's needs.”

Moore recalls Mr. Bundy's open door policy, where students could speak to him individually or congregate as a group in his office: "He was always there for people. He was a unique person in that respect, whether in a classroom, a group setting, or with personal situations. His office was a safe haven for me to talk or to laugh or to joke. I know he did this with scores of students and whatever trials and tribulations they were going through. He was so much more than a teacher.”

"We—the boys who doted on him—knew nothing of his erudition, which he wore as lightly as summer seersucker. It was rather his generosity of spirit and wonderful playfulness that drew us in […] Mr. Bundy was a source of ebullience, approval, and delight. Small wonder so many of us gravitated towards his office as if it were a hearth," Bergman writes.

"Trinity was our family and the central reason was that it had a faculty that was fully committed to us. Faculty members had an outsized influence on the students. Mr. Bundy was not alone in having that influence, but he was at the top of the list," Krolik said.

After Trinity, Mr. Bundy served as head of the Classics Department at The Chapin School for sixteen years. While at Chapin, Mr. Bundy held annual dinners for former Trinity students and faculty at his home on East End Avenue. Moore noted that the “dinners in his apartment were elegant. He was a gourmet cook.”

Mr. Bundy retired from Chapin in 1994 and returned to Eau Claire to live in his family home. After Moore helped him move his belongings from New York and settle in Wisconsin, Mr. Bundy continued to maintain robust relationships with Trinity alumni. Mr. Bundy held birthday celebrations and annual cocktail parties in Eau Claire and Minneapolis attended by Trinity alumni.

The Annual Bundy Luncheon in New York, organized by Moore, lasted nearly twenty years. Moore fondly recalls, “[A]ll of these guys from different classes would come back to be with [Bundy]. Everyone picked up where they left off as if they were in the classroom thirty or forty years ago. And he would create nicknames for everyone at the table. The relationships were really strong."

"New York City was Mr. Bundy's "home away from home." Fraccaro writes, "I ran into Mr. Bundy at the Metropolitan Opera. He came to New York every year for several weeks, usually in February, to attend as much in the way of opera, ballet, and theater as he could fit in, as well as maintain a full schedule of dinners with friends. He was an ardent supporter of both the Metropolitan Opera and the New York City Ballet.”

"In later years, the cards and letters would arrive from him in that beautiful handwriting that always gave me such a lift: news from London, the English countryside, or other garden spots he explored in his far flung travels—reports of the concerts, the opera, and the theater he so loved," writes Bergman.

"He made such a difference in our lives at Trinity and beyond. I think it's pretty rare that a teacher has such a profound impact on people in and out of the classroom. He touched a lot of lives," Moore said.


Teacher of Visual Arts Myriam Abdelaziz featured on Trinity&...


This episode of Trinity’s podcast, "podmissum," features Teacher of Visual Arts Myriam Abdelaziz. Myriam was born in Egypt, grew up in Switzerland, and has lived in France. A graduate of the International Center of Photography, in 2009 and 2011 she was named by the Magenta Foundation as one of twenty-five emerging photographers in the United States. She is a winner of the Lens Culture Emerging Talent prize, American Photography #24, La Bourse du Talent, and PhotoEspaña and was nominated for the Pictet Prize in 2016 and 2017. Her photographs have been published in American Photography, Fortune Magazine, Newsweek, Time Magazine, Smithsonian, Le Monde, Liberation, Courrier International, Marie-Claire, Eyemazing, and the British Journal of Photography, among others. Her work has been featured in solo and group exhibitions in Europe, the Middle East, and the United States, including at the Arab Photography Biennale at the Arab Institute of Paris. It is also included in the collection of the Bibliothèque Nationale de France, the Agence Française de Développement, and the Southeast Museum of Photography. Her book is We the People, an interactive conceptual photography project celebrating the diversity of American identity.

Listen on Apple Podcasts:

Former Head Soccer Coach Harrison Williams Joins Binghamton,...

Former Head Soccer Coach Harrison Williams (1986-2018) has joined the Binghamton, N.Y. men's soccer program as a coach:

Former Teacher of Physical Education and Fitness Margaret Sc...


New memoir, Journey Between Two Worlds, edited by Margaret Schuette, Teacher of Physical Education and Fitness from 1990 to 2015, and written by her mother, Karola M. Schuette, is released today. Published by Koehler Books, it is an autobiographical account of growing up in Germany during the Great Depression, Adolf Hitler's dictatorship, World War II, and attaining freedom with a new life in the United States.

For more information, visit:

In Memoriam: Robert J. Stewart


Robert “Bob” J. Stewart, who taught at Trinity School from 1978 to 2014, died on Sunday, May 9, in Burlington, New Jersey, at the age of 77.

Born in 1944 to parents Jack and Helen, Bob was the eldest of seven children. He began his teaching career at Boston College High School, where he worked for a year before moving to Jamaica to work as a Jesuit missionary. In Jamaica, he taught history at St. George’s College, Campion College, and the University of the West Indies, where he completed his PhD in Caribbean history. In 1978, he returned to the United States to work at Trinity School, where he spent the next thirty-six years teaching English, history, and geography in the Middle and Upper Schools. In 1992, he published Religion and Society in Post-Emancipation Jamaica, a highly regarded monograph discussing the role of religion in the formation of Jamaican society after emancipation. He retired from Trinity in 2014.

A beloved and integral member of the Trinity family, Bob is remembered for both his rigorous scholarly approach and his warm, caring teaching (as well as the cookies he provided every Wednesday for his homeroom). He served as form master (the precursor of Trinity’s class deans), class dean, and elective teacher of debate, mapmaking, and study skills. He was as active outside Trinity as he was within the community: A poet, scholar, traveler, and avid gardener, he loved The Lord of the Rings as much as he loved history and always had jazz or reggae playing in the background. His youngest son, Marcus, describes him as "a human Google before Google existed." He was known for his habit of turning interesting strangers into lifelong friends, his green thumb, and his passion for giving young people the critical tools and knowledge to thrive in a changing world.

Bob is survived by his wife, Jill; his eldest son, Paul; his daughter-in-law, Nadia; his son Marcus and fiancée, Ashley; his grandchildren, Jared, Siree, Sanea, and Caden; and his siblings, Eileen, Mary, Sharon, Margaret, John, and Dennis.

Suellyn Preston Scull has died


Suellyn Preston Scull, twenty-eighth head of Trinity School, died on Wednesday, 14 April 2021 at the age of seventy-six after battling cancer for the past five years.

In 1980, John Hanly, then-principal of the Upper School, and Robin Lester, then-headmaster of Trinity, hired an Australian chemistry teacher named Suellyn Preston. Suellyn quickly fell in love with Trinity and it soon became clear that the feeling was mutual. Over the course of her first career at Trinity, Suellyn taught science, was a form master—class dean in our current usage—and assistant principal. In 1986, she became principal of the Upper School, a position she held until 1997. She was known to be firm, fair, and exacting. She was also known to be a truly caring and empathetic presence in school with a great sense of fun. Her students loved her and her colleagues respected and admired her. Many of her former students are now parents at Trinity. While at Trinity in those years, Suellyn met, and married, Ted Scull, himself a former Trinity teacher.

In 2003, head of school Hank Moses invited Suellyn back to Trinity for a year to serve as interim associate head of school. Suellyn fell in love with Trinity all over again and with her new position which gave her the opportunity to see and to serve Trinity in new ways. One year in the job wasn’t enough and she applied for the job on a permanent basis. We will all always be grateful that Hank and the search committee had the good sense to hire Suellyn from among the many candidates they saw in the spring of 2004.

Over the course of five years, Suellyn oversaw curriculum integration across the three divisions, coordinated the curriculum mapping project, led the professional development program, directed our Tiger Kloof project, began work on internal 300th anniversary projects, and provided Hank, the senior staff, trustee committees, and the faculty with clear, direct, and wise counsel.

Suellyn became Trinity’s twenty-eighth—and first woman—head of school in 2007 and ably led the School through a challenging period of transition. At the School’s 300th Anniversary celebration at Carnegie Hall, then-board president Andy Brownstein said of her, “I have watched from the vantage point of the presidency of the board how hard, thoughtfully, and effectively she works. I’ve enjoyed her sharp wit and been, like so many here, the beneficiary of her advice and counsel. With affection, I sometimes refer to Suellyn as “The Boss,” and she deserves that respect. Her wisdom, grace, humor, extraordinary understanding of the school, and her deep love of children and of all things Trinity have characterized her leadership.”  As a tribute to her extraordinary leadership and in honor of the school’s tercentennial, a group of Suellyn’s former students established The Suellyn Preston Scull Endowment for Professional Development, a fund which now totals over $1 million and provides support for ongoing faculty education and development programs.

Suellyn remained at Trinity as special assistant to John Allman during his first year as head of school in 2009-2010.  Since her retirement, she has served on several boards, including the Bronx Charter School for Children and The Allen-Stevenson School, and on the Vestry of Trinity Church Wall Street. She and Ted traveled extensively and Suellyn took up and mastered bridge, her weekly game a sacrosanct event. Her love for and interest in all things Trinity never waned and her relationships with her former students and colleagues remained strong and deep. In 2016, Suellyn received The Lawrence T. Cole Award which is presented from time to time by the Trinity Alumni and Alumnae Association to an individual whose character and achievement reflect the highest traditions of Trinity School—which Suellyn did to her very core.

Suellyn is survived by her husband, Ted Scull, her sister, Bronwyn Barton, her niece, Sophie Klatt, and nephew, Mark Klatt.  At her request, gifts in her memory may be made to Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center or to the The Bronx Charter School for Children, 388 Willis Avenue, Bronx, NY 10454.  Due to COVID regulations, the family will hold a private service in the coming days and, as soon as conditions permit, Trinity School will host a memorial event so that Suellyn’s many colleagues, friends, and former students may gather to remember her and to celebrate her life.

Suellyn Preston Scull, interim head of school.

Marcus De Costa, Director of Development, has died


Our beloved colleague, Marcus De Costa, died on 9 August 2020.

Marcus had a wide network of dedicated friends and colleagues in our school community. He loved Trinity to its core.  He was loved and respected by independent school colleagues here in New York City and  around the country and was a leader and mentor to many in our profession.

Please hold in your thoughts, meditations and prayers Marcus’s family, his many friends, and especially his team in the Advancement Office and the Brownstone who are devastated by his passing.

Former Teacher of English Jamel Brinkley has a story feature...


Jamel Brinkley, Upper School Teacher of English from 2009-2013, has a story, "Comfort," featured online in the summer 2020 issue of Ploughshares, an award-winning journal of new writing. He is the author of the acclaimed short story collection A Lucky Man, the recipient of numerous honors including the 2018 Ernest J. Gaines Award for Literary Excellence, a finalist for the 2018 National Book Award in Fiction, and a finalist for the 2019 PEN/Robert W. Bingham Prize for Debut Fiction.

Former Teacher of History Meredith Kato runs the Athens Mara...


Meredith Kato, teacher of history in the Middle School from 1995 to 2001, is currently a pediatric anesthesiologist at Oregon Health & Science University in Portland, Oregon. She fulfilled a bucket list dream of running all 26.2 miles of the Athens Marathon, from Marathon to Athens, Greece, dressed as Athena Polias, and celebrated by doing a Ross Trudeau New York Times crossword puzzle!

In Memoriam: Lorraine Rosen Williamson


Lorraine Rosen Williamson, Teacher of Grade Three at Trinity School from 1984 to 1999, passed away on 19 March 2018 in her Manhattan home. She was ninety-one years old.

Lorraine was born in Chicago, Illinois, in 1926. The oldest daughter of Benjamin Rosen, of Mogilev, Russia, and Ruth Salpeter, of Chicago, she attended the University of Illinois and completed her bachelor’s degree at Roosevelt University. After earning her master’s degree in education at New York University, she began a lifelong career as an educator. She taught students ranging from first-graders to master’s candidates, was the principal of The Cathedral School in Manhattan, and taught third grade at Trinity School until her retirement in 1999. She was deeply beloved by her students and their families.

Lorraine continued to volunteer as a reading specialist after retiring, tutoring children of all ages and adults with cognitive impairments; she also volunteered as a docent at the Museum of Jewish Heritage in Manhattan. She was an avid reader, storyteller, and theater-goer, and was devoted to her students, her daughter, and her grandchildren.

In 1950, she married Melvin R. Williamson, a writer, documentarian, and artist from the South Side of Chicago who was one of the first black students to attend a white high school in 1937 and later became an art director at Viking Press in New York. Although Lorraine’s Ashkenazi Jewish parents opposed the marriage, Lorraine and Melvin spent forty-five happy years together until Melvin passed away in 1995. The Williamsons moved to the Upper West Side in the 1950s—Lorraine had to find and lease the apartment alone, since no landlord would rent to an interracial couple—and spent the rest of their lives in the same apartment. After sixteen years of marriage, they had one daughter, Lisa Williamson Rosenberg, a former professional ballet dancer and clinical social worker who now works as a writer and psychotherapist.

Lorraine is survived by her daughter; her son-in-law, Jonathan Rosenberg; her grandchildren, Zoe Rosenberg and Theo Rosenberg; and her younger sister, Betty Soren.

Howard “Howie” Warren, Teacher of Science in the Lower S...


Howard “Howie” Warren, who was a Teacher of Science in the Lower School from 1989 to 2013, competed in the 2018 Huntsman World Senior Games, the largest event of its kind, bringing together 11,000 athletes from around the world. He won the Bronze Medal playing softball in the 65+ age group for Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada. He writes, “It was an extraordinary experience meeting and competing against a wonderful group of sportsmen.”

Former Teacher of Visual Arts Marisol Limon Martinez release...


Former Teacher of Visual Arts Marisol Limon Martinez has released a new album, Here Her Ghost, under the name Marisol Limon. Here Her Ghost was produced, mixed, and recorded by Godfrey Diamond in Brooklyn. The songs are based on her book of poetry, Via Dissimulata, published by Octopus Books. The album is available on multiple digital platforms, including iTunes, Bandcamp, Apple Music, Pandora, and Spotify.

In Memoriam: Frank C. Leana


Frank C. Leana died on 2 October 2017, in St. Louis Park, Minnesota, after a courageous battle with pancreatic cancer at the age of seventy-three. Frank taught English and served as the Director of College Counseling at Trinity School from 1973-1985. He was a well-known, respected, and admired figure in the landscape of educational counseling, receiving the John Muir Award from the National Association of College Admission Counselors for “a significant contribution in the field of education.” He served as Director of the Manhattan office of Howard Greene & Associates for fifteen years, and in 2000 he opened his own educational counseling practice, where he guided hundreds of students and their families through their decision-making process in boarding schools, colleges and universities, and graduate programs. He authored three books on the topic of educational counseling: Getting Into College, The Best Private High Schools and How to Get In, and Pathfinder An Action Plan: Making the Most of High School. He was a guest on various television talk shows, and New York Magazine named him “one of the city’s prominent college counselors.” Frank graduated from Hamilton College, and received his MA from Indiana University and his PhD in American literature from the University of Rochester. He loved art, music, photography, and beautiful language. When he retired, he relocated to Minnesota to be near his family, and he loved his log home on Deer Lake. He is survived by his wife, Lenesa; his stepson, S. Zachary White; his daughter-in-law, Elizabeth White; and two adored grandchildren, Joseph and Eleanor.

Ann Wright Strohmeier is Awarded a Grant for Her Book


Former Lower School faculty member Ann Wright Strohmeier was awarded a 2017 Work-In-Progress Grant from the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators (SCBWI) in the category of Chapter Books/Early Fiction for "The Casebook of Marvelous Madison," a collection of the favorite cases of mouse detective Marvy Madison, detailing his encounters investigating rogue nuts, missing eggs, and a farmyard beauty pageant. The Grants give writers who are working on manuscripts and book projects and not currently under contract opportunities to present their work to acquiring editors hand-selected by SCBWI.

Lee Zegar Featured in Real Estate Section of the “New ...


Lee Zegar Featured in Real Estate Section of the “New York Times”

Lee Zegar, who recently turned eighty, decided it was finally time to purchase a one bedroom apartment in New York City. She had been living in a studio on lower Park Avenue for forty-five years. An article about Lee and her hunt for the right apartment was published in the "Real Estate" section of the New York Times on 8 September 2011. It can be read at

Bill Zavatsky has Poetry Readings


Bill Zavatsky has Poetry Readings

Bill read his poetry at various locations including the New York Public Library, Cornelia Street Café, and KGB Bar. He also participated in the PEN World Voices Festival 2009 in the panel Jazz: The Revolution of Beat at the Galapagos Art Space in Brooklyn on 2 May. He and three other writers discussed jazz and how it relates to the written word, with musical accompaniment by Diane Moser and her trio.

Bill Zavatsky has a Poetry Reading


Bill Zavatsky has a Poetry Reading

Bill will be reading poetry and stories at Cornelia Street Café on 15 September 2010 in the season opener of ComposersCollaborative Inc's "subversive nightclub series" Serial Underground. The event commemorates the 30th anniversary of Bill Evans' passing. Bill Evans was a legendary American jazz pianist and composer.

Bill Zavatsky is Leaving Trinity


Bill Zavatsky is Leaving Trinity

Bill left Trinity in June 2011 after twenty-four years of service to the School. We thank him for all that he has contributed to our school community.

Bill Zavatsky Receives Dedication


Bill Zavatsky Receives Dedication

Upper School Principal Jessica Bagby read this heartfelt dedication to Bill during the final faculty and staff luncheon of the 2010-2011 academic year: "To say that Bill Zavatsky has panache would be an understatement. I have known few individuals with Z’s inimitable flair. Many of his students over his twenty-four year tenure at Trinity have certainly recognized how lucky they were to encounter Bill—a true connoisseur of life, and particularly poetry, music, and film—in their educational journey. How many students have the opportunity to learn to write poetry with a practicing and published poet, after all? Even this year at the senior retreat in a Quaker-style meeting in which the kids had the opportunity express their gratitude to teachers and peers—present and not present—who had a made an indelible impact on their years in the Upper School, Percy Allison gave a shout-out to Mr. Z. for inspiring his passion for poetry and for working with him so devotedly on his own verse.

"Bill’s contributions to the Upper School community and accomplishments as an artist are too numerable to name exhaustively, but I would be remiss if didn't acknowledge some of his milestones. Bill taught the first creative writing class in the history of the Trinity School. He taught the first film courses in the history of the School. He brought the Scholastic Writing Contest to Trinity and promoted it energetically. As a result, Trinity boasts many winners of gold and silver keys for writing, as well as two national winners for their writing portfolios. Bill also has involved Trinity in the Interschool Association’s Independent Voices project, an annual poetry anthology and reading at a Barnes and Noble store by New York City private school students. Bill has been able to bring many well-known writers to Trinity thanks to a fund donated to Trinity by a former student of his. For twenty-four years he helped to shape Columbus into a first-rate literary magazine. This year he delivered a lovely prose-poem speech—with the collaboration of the honorees—at the Cum Laude Induction Ceremony.

"Bill wants everyone to know that he feels 'very strongly about the deep friendships that he has made over the years [at Trinity] with many extraordinary students and colleagues, [that he deeply appreciates] the important work of our wonderful support staff, and [that he] will never forget what a gift it has been to teach and learn at Trinity for so many years. He hopes that you won’t forget him.' I think I am safe in saying to you, Bill, that you are unforgettable. Thank you for all you have meant to so many members of this community during your tenure here."

Meglena Zapreva is a New Assistant Teacher in Grade Four


Meglena Zapreva is a New Assistant Teacher in Grade Four

Meglena is an educator, museum educator, and visual artist. She began her academic career in her native Bulgaria, where she became fascinated with art and art history. Determined to study in the center of the contemporary art world, Meglena immigrated to New York and completed her BA at Hunter College, majoring in art history and studio art. While working at the Frick Collection, she discovered a passion for teaching young students and the effectiveness of integrated education. While completing a MS from Bank Street College of Education in childhood education and museum education, Meglena gained extensive teaching experience with elementary school students at institutions such as the Frick Collection, the Rubin Museum of Art, the Cathedral Church of Saint John the Divine in the City and Diocese of New York, and the High Line park.

In addition, she was awarded a diversity fellowship from the American Association of Museums in 2012 for her efforts to include diverse audiences in museum programs. She is also the founder of ArtPlant, a hands-on art-based after-school program, which teaches environmental science. Meglena’s passion for integrating art and nature has also led to her initiative to transform an abandoned botanical garden in her hometown into an ecological educational center. Meglena also volunteers at a printmaking studio and at the Bulgarian Sunday School. She continues to make prints and actively participates in the vibrant artistic life of New York City. She speaks Bulgarian and Russian, and has a reading knowledge of French.

Dr. Anne Youngling has a New Baby


Dr. Anne Youngling has a New Baby

Anne and Renée Seufert met while working together at Trinity in the athletics department. They were married on 14 February 2009 in Westport, Connecticut and are thrilled to announce the birth of their baby boy, Max Gustav Seufert-Youngling, on 3 June 2009. Renée is a school counselor at East Haven High School and Anne is a family practice physician at Guilford Family Practice.

Marsha Williams is Leaving Trinity


Marsha Williams is Leaving Trinity

After seven years at Trinity, Marsha will be pursuing new professional opportunities after the academic year closes. We are grateful for all that she has contributed to our school community and wish her well in her next endeavor.

Brad G. Williams Misses Trinity


Brad G. Williams Misses Trinity

Brad writes, "I have moved to Mississippi temporarily, but am looking ardently to return to teaching/translation/et al. in the New York area. With Vassar College, Trinity remains the best school I have ever known."

Elizabeth Wilcox is Leaving Trinity


Elizabeth Wilcox is Leaving Trinity

Elizabeth left Trinity School in June 2011 and relocated closer to Princeton, New Jersey, where her husband has started a new job. She will be teaching at Moorestown Friends School. We thank her for the years she has spent teaching at Trinity and wish her and her husband well in their new life at Princeton.

Robert Wendt is Substituting for Sarah Bonsignore


Robert Wendt is Substituting for Sarah Bonsignore

Robert Wendt has been hired to substitute for Sarah Bonsignore during her maternity leave, from 28 November 2011 to 28 February 2012. Robert received his BA from Columbia University in English and comparitive literature. He received his MA in music education from Hunter College. He currently works at Calhoun School accompanying the middle school chorus, leading warm-ups and sectionals, and integrates music theory, history, and vocal technique into choral rehearsals as needed, with a special focus on changing male voices. He is a lifelong piano student and enjoys traveling.

Howard Warren Lectures on Barren Island and Dead Horse Bay


Howard Warren Lectures on Barren Island and Dead Horse Bay

Howard is giving a lecture called "Learning from Barren Island and Dead Horse Bay" on Tuesday, 14 June 2011 from 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at the Metropolitan Exchange at 33 Flatbush Avenue, Brooklyn. The lecture is part of the Freshkills Park Talks lecture series.

For over twenty years, Howard has been taking his students to Barren Island and Dead Horse Bay to study, and he has become one of the City's leading experts on the history and present condition of the area. He will be sharing some of his reflections on his studies with the students and how the site has been changing.
More information about the event can be found at

Howard Warren is Featured in Smithsonian Documentary


Howard Warren is Featured in Smithsonian Documentary

Howard announced: "The documentary that I am featured in finally made its US debut. Trashopolis, a five episode documentary about how five cities dealt with their trash throughout history continues to air on the Smithsonian Network. It made its international debut last year opening in Canada and France on the International History Channel. I appear in the New York episode (episode one) where I speak about the impact of Robert Moses' decisions on the people of New York City and how some of their household belongings ended up in a Barren Island landfill. The segment was filmed at Dead Horse Bay and Barren Island. For those who do not receive the Smithsonian Channel, Trashopolis: New York can be Googled and downloaded off the web. Trinity gets a nice shout out. Merry Christmas and have a Happy New Year!"

For a schedule of air times and more information, visit

Howard Warren Lectures at “Geeky Garbage”


Howard Warren Lectures at “Geeky Garbage”

Howard will be speaking at an upcoming gathering sponsored by Gelf magazine. "Geeky Garbage" is a "look at the most overlooked aspect of the overlooked--civilization's waste. We'll have on hand the New York City sanitation department's resident anthropologist and an expert on some of the city's earliest landfills to talk about what really happens when we throw something in the trash, and how it impacts everyone."
"Geeky Garbage" will be held Monday, 20 February 2012, at 7:30 p.m. (doors open at 7:00 p.m.) at the Gallery at La Poisson Rouge at 158 Bleecker Street in Manhattan. Attendees must be twenty-one or older.
For more information, visit

Howard Warren is Interviewed by Gelf Magazine


Howard Warren is Interviewed by Gelf Magazine

Howard was interviewed by Gelf magazine in an article about Barren Island, a former landfill that was sealed in 1953 but is slowly reemerging. Read the interview at

Howard Warren is Quoted in Article about Dead Horse Bay


Howard Warren is Quoted in Article about Dead Horse Bay

Howard was quoted in an article, "Brooklyn's Dead Horse Bay Attracts Urban Explorers," online at on 9 May 2012. The article discusses how people collect and remove objects from the beach, though Howard, who takes his students there each October on a research field trip, believes the objects should be left on the beach. Read the article at

Howard Warren is Retiring


Howard Warren is Retiring

Howard is retiring at the end of the academic year after twenty-four years of service to Trinity School. Lower School Principal Rosemary C. Milliman writes, "No one deserves the pleasures and freedoms of retirement more than Howard and yet the news is bittersweet. The program Howard has built over the past two and a half decades is legend, and his place among the Lower School faculty is central to our program. Howard Warren was one of my very first hires when I was a new Lower School principal at Trinity back in the summer of 1989. I remember our interview to this day. Howard’s passion for marine biology and life stands out indelibly in my memory. He was a walking encyclopedia when it came to sea life and baseball. During his time at Trinity, he has secured the School’s access to Dead Horse Bay and Jamaica Bay for the archeology project he and Christine Nealy teach in Grade Four. No other school in the state can boast this access. He has traveled the world (India and Africa) to share his teaching philosophy and the passion of which I speak. The good news is that Howard has offered to return to Trinity at any juncture that we feel we need him!In the spring, we’ll formally celebrate his extraordinary work with us, but in the meantime, please join me in taking every opportunity to thank Howie for his contributions as a teacher and colleague."

Howard Warren is Featured in Emmy-Winning Documentary


Howard Warren is Featured in Emmy-Winning Documentary

“Dead Horse Bay: New York’s Hidden Treasure Trove of Trash” tells the story of the abandoned cove in the southwestern corner of Brooklyn. The video won the award for Outstanding Video Journalism at the Emmy Awards on 18 September. In the film, Howard Warren, a former Trinity science teacher, is interviewed about bringing his students to collect artifacts at Dead Horse Bay for almost thirty years.

It is available to be seen here:

Jacqueline Ward is Moving to Indonesia


Jacqueline Ward is Moving to Indonesia

Jacqueline, who has been a school nurse at Trinity since 2005, will be venturing overseas to Indonesia in September to pursue a career in international public health. We thank her for her time wish us, and wish her the best in this exciting endeavor!

Theo Carmelo M. Tupaz is Leaving Trinity


Theo Carmelo M. Tupaz is Leaving Trinity

Theo left Trinity at the end of the 2010-2011 academic year to work closer to home. We thank him for his time spent teaching at Trinity School.

Morika Tsujimura is Leaving Trinity


Morika Tsujimura is Leaving Trinity

Morika is leaving Trinity to teach seventh grade math and science at Bank Street School for Children. We thank her for her time with us and wish her the best on her next endeavor!

Trysh Travis has a New Book


Trysh Travis has a New Book

Trysh had a new book come out in November 2009: The Language of the Heart: A Cultural History of the Recovery Movement from Alcoholics Anonymous to Oprah Winfrey.

Elvina Tong is Teaching in Guangzhou, China


Elvina Tong is Teaching in Guangzhou, China

Elvina teaches kindergarten at the American International School of Guangzhou in Guangzhou, China, hear Hong Kong.

Elvina Tong is Teaching in Beijing, China


Elvina Tong is Teaching in Beijing, China

Elvina is now working at the International School of Beijing in China as an educational technology facilitator supporting preschool through second grade.

Frederick Toborg has News on Hurricane Sandy and Trinity Reb...


Douglas W. Tobin has News on Hurricane Sandy and Trinity Rebuilds

Fred Toborg taught physical education at Trinity for thirty years before retiring in 2002. He and his wife, Barbara, reside in Broad Channel, New York, and their lives were recently turned upside down when Hurricane Sandy struck.

Fred writes, "Just after our river cruise vacation from Moscow to St. Petersburg last October, Hurricane Sandy paid us a visit and swept through our living room, kitchen and library with four feet of water. Fortunately, we had heeded advice and evacuated and thus saved our automobile from inundation. We returned to find our belongings strewn all over our house: piano toppled, fridge on its back, deck torn from its footings and jutting up like the prow of a ship pointing towards the A train subway tracks that were in a tangle. We started to slowly make order out of the chaos. Our daughter, Lili, class of ’91, and her family descended on us from Vermont, and her husband, Clayton, began to rip out the sheetrock. I tried to stop him but that was before I learned about “mold” and what flood waters can do.

"Lili posted pictures of our mess on Facebook and, lo and behold, the Trinity community, upon seeing them, launched a great effort to help us. Tor Christensen '91 and Elle Can '91 created a PayPal fund to help with reconstruction. We were amazed at the generous response of so many friends in and out of Trinity, especially their messages of love and support. A group of volunteers from Trinity, led by Alumni Relations Manager Ed Griffin, descended on us and spent the day creating order out of the chaos we were still in. I knew I had been fortunate to have been at Trinity for thirty years, but I was overwhelmed by the outpouring of goodwill and aid. Then, Chip Brian '89, president of the Alumni Association, and his partner, Mike Daddio, visited us and offered to rebuild our house with their construction company, Design Development NYC. I was black and blue from pinching myself that all this could be happening. In December I gave the keys to our house to Chip’s company, took advantage of an offer from Bob and Sue Hipkins to use their house on North Captive Island in Florida, and headed south.

"When we returned from our jaunt in February, we found our house being reconstructed with new walls, floors, doors, and a back deck. We were able to replace appliances with funds from the PayPal account. We rented a room from a friend in Far Rockaway until we were able to move back into our house on 1 May. We now lived in the midst of the work as Chip’s people restored our kitchen and living room. It was wonderful to be home, even amidst the minor chaos of workers and their tools. Our son, Michael, class of ’94, and friend, Katrin, were able to visit in May. Mike lives and works in Munich, Germany. He quickly put his engineering talents to work installing electrical fixtures and aligning doors. We were able to spend a weekend in Vermont with Lili and family for a reunion. Today, nine months after Sandy, we are still tidying up the house and property. But we are home and very thankful to the Trinity community and Chip Brian and his associates at Design Development NYC. To all, I invite you to visit us at any time to see the wonders of the marsh and Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge which adjoin our newly renovated home in Broad Channel."

Douglas W. Tobin Celebrates Twenty-Five Years at Trinity


Douglas W. Tobin Celebrates Twenty-Five Years at Trinity

Douglas was recently honored by Trinity for his twenty-five years of service to the School. Thank you, Doug, for all you have given, and will continue to give, to the School!

Barbara Tischler is New Associate Head for Academic Affairs


Barbara Tischler is New Associate Head for Academic Affairs

Barbara Tischler will serve as Trinity's associate head for academic affairs, effective 1 July 2012. She will be charged with ensuring the effectiveness of the two most significant processes in a school: the design and implementation of our K-12 academic curriculum; and the professional development, support and evaluation of our teachers. Holding undergraduate and graduate degrees in music as well as an MA and PhD in history from Columbia University, Barbara is a musician and scholar who has been a teacher for over three decades in higher as well as secondary education, teaching courses ranging from middle school geography to graduate-level American studies. In addition, she has also served as an administrator in higher and secondary education, working for the past fifteen years as a teacher and administrator at Horace Mann School, where she is currently director of curriculum and professional development.

Barbara Tischler is Leaving Trinity


Barbara Tischler is Leaving Trinity

Dr. Barbara Tischler left Trinity at the end of the school year. We thank her for her contributions to the School and wish her well in her future endeavors.

Caitlin Sweet has Improv Performance


Caitlin Sweet has Improv Performance

Caitlin is performing in an improv show on 23 April 2010 at 7:00 p.m. "My troupe is called The Hypotheticals. We do narrative long-form improvisational theater (making up stories based upon audience input) and we have a show on Friday evening at the PIT (Peoples Improv Theater) in Chelsea. It would be great to have some of you folks in the audience, so please come on down! Also in the troupe is my fiance (and new Trinity staff member) Jeremy Lamb." PIT is located at 154 W 29th Street between 6th and 7th avenues. The cover is $5.00.

Caitlin Sweet ’01 is Leaving Trinity


Caitlin Sweet ’01 is Leaving Trinity

Caitlin left Trinity School at the end of the 2010-2011 academic year. She is now teaching in a bilingual classroom in a public school in order to finish her master’s degree in K-6 elementary education and bilingual education. She will then move to Austin, Texas to join her husband, Jeremy Lamb, in December or January. We wish Caitlin the best on her next journey!

Caitlin Sweet ’01 is Married


Caitlin Sweet ’01 is Married

Congratulations to Caitlin for her marriage to Jeremy Lamb on 18 June 2011! She will be in New York City this fall student teaching in a bilingual classroom in a public school in order to finish her master's degree in K-6 elementary education and bilingual education. She will then move to Austin to join her husband in December or January.

Donghong Sun is a New Upper School Science Teacher


Donghong Sun is a New Upper School Science Teacher

Donghong has been teaching chemistry for the past six years at Montgomery High School in Skillman, New Jersey, where she has been part of the leading effort in implementing a modeling instruction approach in science education. Over the years, she has attended several modeling workshops in physics, chemistry, and biology, and co-lead modeling chemistry workshops, with the most recent one at Teachers College, Columbia University in summer 2013. Before starting her teaching career, Donghong worked as a senior scientist at Rohm and Haas Company after receiving her PhD in chemistry from Columbia University.

In her spare time, Donghong loves to play tennis and ski, and takes ballroom dance lessons as well. She also enjoys spending time with her daughter who is starting her freshman year in college.

Tom Sullivan is Head at Greenwich Academy


Tom Sullivan is Head at Greenwich Academy

Tom is now Head of Upper School at Greenwich Academy after teaching in the English department for the past three years.

Ann Strohmeier Performs in an Evening of Comedy


Ann Strohmeier Performs in an Evening of Comedy

Ann and her husband are in a play, an evening of comedy called All in the Timing by David Ives, presented by the Heavenly Rest Players. There are two performances: 24 April at 8:00 p.m. and 1 May at 8:00 p.m. at the Church of the Heavenly Rest at 2 East 90th Street. Tickets can be purchased at the door or on for $20.00. Also in the cast is Ryan Scott, a former Grade Two assistant.

Ann Strohmeier Honored by Trinity


Ann Strohmeier Honored by Trinity

Ann Strohmeier was recently honored by Trinity for her twenty-five years of service to the School. Thank you, Ann, for all you have given to the School! We with you the best in your retirement.

Ann writes, "Thirty-two years ago (1982) my husband Bill and I, with our four-year old daughter Kristin in hand, first walked through the doors of Trinity. Kristin started Kindergarten that September, and I started teaching at Trinity in 1989 when our son, Stephen, was in second grade. Before that, I had taught for seven years at three different preschools, which brings my entire teaching career to date to thirty-two years as well. Twice thirty-two seems auspicious; a lovely, round number for a career that has been long and extremely rewarding, both professionally and personally.

"And now it is time to go on to other things. What those exactly are, I’m not quite sure, but surely the journey is just as important as the destination. It’s hard to leave a place that has been such a large part of my life, and I will always love teaching. But transitions are always the hardest part, and the future seems very exciting to me."

Ann Strohmeier is Acting in a Play


Ann Strohmeier is Acting in a Play

Ann is acting in a play, Polish Joke by David Ives, presented by the Heavenly Rest Players. The performances run Thursday through Saturday 22-24 March and Thursday through Saturday, 29-31 March. Performances begin at 8:00 p.m. in Darlington Hall at the Church of the Heavenly Rest at 2 East 90th Street. Tickets can be purchased at the door or on for $20.00. All profits go to the Church outreach programs. No children, please; adult humor in both language and content.
Trinity's Michael Gilbert and Ann's husband, Bill, are acting in the play. Trinity's Harrison Williams is set designer.

Ann Strohmeier Celebrates Twenty-Five Years at Trinity and R...


Ann Strohmeier Celebrates Twenty-Five Years at Trinity and Retirement

Ann Strohmeier was recently honored by Trinity for her twenty-five years of service to the School. Thank you, Ann, for all you have given to the School! We with you the best in your retirement.

Ann writes, "Thirty-two years ago (1982) my husband Bill and I, with our four-year old daughter Kristin in hand, first walked through the doors of Trinity. Kristin started Kindergarten that September, and I started teaching at Trinity in 1989 when our son, Stephen, was in second grade. Before that, I had taught for seven years at three different preschools, which brings my entire teaching career to date to thirty-two years as well. Twice thirty-two seems auspicious; a lovely, round number for a career that has been long and extremely rewarding, both professionally and personally.

"And now it is time to go on to other things. What those exactly are, I’m not quite sure, but surely the journey is just as important as the destination. It’s hard to leave a place that has been such a large part of my life, and I will always love teaching. But transitions are always the hardest part, and the future seems very exciting to me."

Robert Stewart is Retiring


Robert Stewart is Retiring

After thirty-six years as a member of the Trinity faculty, Bob Stewart has decided that he will be retiring at the end of the current academic year. Bob began his teaching career in 1968 as a Jesuit at Boston College High School. After a year there he moved to Jamaica, where he taught history at St. George’s College, Campion College, and at the University of the West Indies, where he completed a doctoral program in Caribbean history. He published his research in his 1992 book on religion and emancipation in Jamaica. He left Jamaica in 1978 and began teaching at Trinity in the 1978-79 academic year. Bob is trading the joyful noise of middle schoolers for the quiet of the oaks that guard his home in New Jersey. He plans to tend his garden, catch up with his reading, and write another book. We thank him for his dedicated service to the School and wish him the best in his retirement.

Benjamin Stern is a New Technology Integrationist and Teache...


Benjamin Stern is a New Technology Integrationist and Teacher of Computer Science

Ben comes to us from The Emery/Weiner School in Houston, Texas where he has been working as a middle school technology integration specialist. Prior to that, as their eighth grade history teacher, he rewrote a textbook-free global studies and current events curriculum that deeply integrated technology. Emery/Weiner awarded him the Rav Preida Award for Teaching Excellence this past year for the success of this class. Having grown up in Philadelphia, Ben is an avid Philadelphia sports fan. He also likes to cook, does a lot of cycling, and is a big computer nerd.

Benjamin Stern is Leaving Trinity


Benjamin Stern is Leaving Trinity

Ben Stern is pursuing an opportunity with an educational technology company, TeachBoost, and is leaving Trinity at the end of the academic year. We thank him for his service to the School and wish him the best.

David Sox has Updates from England


David Sox has Updates from England

The Rev. David Sox, who was chaplain at Trinity from 1963 to 1970, sends in an update from England: "2011 and I am seventy-five! Was ordained fifty years ago and published my twelfth book. This one was a biography of Père Armand David (1826-1900), a priest and nature explorer who discovered the giant panda and seventy plants are named for him."

David Sox Taught Mitt Romney


David Sox Taught Mitt Romney

David sent us an interesting anecdote: "Before I came to Trinity in 1963 as chaplain, I was chaplain at Cranbrook Schools in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan. One of my students was Mitt Romney!"

David Sox has More Updates from England


David Sox has More Updates from England

The Rev. David Sox published his twelfth book in 2009, a biography of the naturalist, Père Armand David (1826-1900). "I do gallery talks at the Natural History Museum. I'm now seventy-seven years old (yipes!). I'm a dual citizen of the US and the UK."

Margaret Smith is a New Teacher of Religion, Philosophy, and...


Margaret Smith is a New Teacher of Religion, Philosophy, and Ethics

Margaret began her teaching career at the Lincoln Jewish Community School in Nebraska. When she relocated to New York, she worked for the East End Temple and Temple Israel of the City of New York. She most recently taught modern European history to undergraduates at Fordham University. Margaret also tutored at the Writing Center at Fordham. She is fluent in Spanish, proficient in French and Latin, and some Hebrew and Old English. Margaret and her new husband, as of 23 July 2012, have a wonderful little dog, Lola.

Margaret Smith has a New Baby


Margaret Smith has a New Baby

Margaret and her husband, Zach, welcomed their son, Ezekiel, into the world on 15 August 2013. He weighed in at six pounds and two ounces. Margaret writes, "He is sweet and beautiful, and Zach and I are totally in love with him." Congratulations to the family!

Nika Skvir-Maliakal Returns to the East Coast


Nika Skvir-Maliakal Returns to the East Coast

An update on Nika and Sanjiv Maliakal: “After leaving Trinity, we moved to the San Francisco Bay Area – Sanj was teaching sixth and eighth grade science at the San Francisco Day School and Nika returned to the Prospect Sierra School to teach eighth grade humanities. We got married, traveled a lot (Hawaii, Costa Rica, and India have been highlight trips), managed to do a lot of hiking and windsurfing, and then had two twin girls, Madeline and Katherine, in September 2007. This past summer, we moved back to the East Coast to be closer to family. Sanj is currently teaching sixth and eighth grade science at New Canaan Country School while Nika is at home with the girls. We’d love to hear from former students and/or colleagues. Our e-mail address, [email protected], is a good way to reach us. Hope this finds everyone well!”

Jonathan Sirois is a New Teacher of Spanish


Jonathan Sirois is a New Teacher of Spanish

Jonathan is leaving the Portsmouth Abbey School in Rhode Island to teach Spanish at Trinity School. He spent several months teaching English at English for Fun in Madrid, Spain. For eight years, Jonathan was the chef and kitchen manager at Adams House Home for the Aged in Fall River, Massachusetts. He is a passionate golfer and still chuckles each time he watches Caddy Shack, but also enjoys a good Marlon Brando or Jimmy Stewart movie.

Jonathan lived and studied in Spain as part of his BA and most of his MA, and was very fortunate to have lived with a renowned scholar and journalist, and hopes to bring his experiences abroad to his classroom. As a budding Hispanist, he presented a research paper at an academic conference and is looking forward to do more of the same.

Jonathan Sirois is Leaving Trinity


Jonathan Sirois is Leaving Trinity

Jonathan Sirois left Trinity at school year’s end to teach Spanish at Tabor Academy in Marion, Massachusetts. We thank him for his service to the School and wish him the best.

Jennifer Simon is Awarded Three Art Residency Grants


Jennifer Simon is Awarded Three Art Residency Grants

Jennifer won three residency grants for the summer: the Anderson Ranch Art Educator Institute in Colorado funded in part by the National Endowment for the Arts, the Arrowmont School of Arts & Crafts Technical Assistant Grant in Tennessee, and the Haystack Mountain School of Crafts Technical Assistant Grant in Maine. In each residency she was provided with tuition, room and board, a studio space, and various art workshops and lectures.

Jennifer Simon is in Ceramic Exhibit at the Nippon Gallery


Jennifer Simon is in Ceramic Exhibit at the Nippon Gallery

Jennifer has been selected to show her ceramic work at the Nippon Gallery at the Nippon Club at 145 West 57th Street, between 6th and 7th avenues. The show is up from 19-22 October. Gallery hours are from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, and 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on Saturday.

Jennifer's work was selected for the 13th Annual Tokyo-New York Friendship Ceramic Competition where the gallery has chosen fifty American and fifty Japanese ceramic artists to compete for cash prizes. The grand prize is a round-trip ticket to Tokyo! The reception and award presentation is on 21 October from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.

Come check out the show!

James Silvia has a Life Update


James Silvia has a Life Update

James “left Richard Garten’s Trinity in 1973 [he had been teaching Grade Four there since 1966] and taught in Japan, Germany, and again with Mr. Garten at Gulf Stream School in Palm Beach County, Florida. In 2006, he ended forty years of service teaching geography at St. Bernard’s School. His wife, Judith Richardson, died in 2003 at Newport. James, a cancer survivor, now spends his time on the Upper West Side, in his garden in Dutchess County, or traveling (depending on the annuity and the kindness of friends). He is the author of the unpublished children’s storybook, Fred and Felicity, Fast Friends, and a guide for young adults, Manners: A Course of Study, and play, A Muse Bouche.”

Rene Silva has an Update from Florida


Rene Silva has an Update from Florida

Rene updates: “I retired from Fairleigh Dickinson University in 1987 and moved to sunny Florida. I played tennis until age forced me to take reading and cross-word puzzles as hobbies. I have a wife with three children and the family is in good health. Enjoying life at eighty-nine and still remembering many of my good students at Trinity.”

Rene Silva has Another Life Update


Rene Silva has Another Life Update

Rene writes, "From Trinity, I went to teach at Farleigh Dickinson University in Rutherford, New Jersey until 1987. I moved to Florida and spent my time playing tennis, reading, and servicing the community whenever called. I will be ninety-one this month (November), and my wife and children are all well. I have a great grandson (seven months old). We are all happy and remembering with pride my three years at Trinity."

Paul Sigismondi has Music News and a New Teaching Position a...


Paul Sigismondi has Music News and a New Teaching Position at The Collegiate School

Paul has been working on his music. He recorded an album, American Redstarts, at a studio in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. He also created a Web site for his music at He recently returned to New York and started teaching at The Collegiate School.

Kara Paske Siegel is Leaving Trinity


Kara Paske Siegel is Leaving Trinity

Kara has announced that she will be leaving Trinity at the end of the school year. She wishes to shift her energies to caring for her family, and in addition, she hopes to find opportunities to feed her passion of working with student athletes. She writes, “…Serving as an administrator has been a fulfilling learning experience. I have benefited tremendously from working closely with the talented and committed people in the Middle School and throughout Trinity's administration. In addition, I have enjoyed the opportunity to develop and implement new programs in the Middle School. I have been very fortunate and sincerely appreciate the many opportunities and experiences I have had so early in my career.”

Judy Shufro has an Art Exhibit


Judy Shufro has an Art Exhibit

Judy Shufro, who taught art at Trinity from 1970 to 1992, has an upcoming art exhibit in San Diego, California, at Bread & Cie, a bakery owned by a Trinity alumnus, Charles Kaufman '66. Judy writes, "How coincidental is that? I taught Art at Trinity for twenty-two years. I bought the School's first kiln, set up the shop/arts program, designed the Brass Pavilion art room for the elementary school, and was a Trinity Faculty Fellow. Hello to all my former students!"

The exhibit, titled "Dancers and Cows," will be on view from 3-31 December 2013 at Bread & Cie, located at 350 University Avenue in San Diego. View Judy's work at

Danielle Short Attends Graduate School


Danielle Short Attends Graduate School

Danielle left Trinity to pursue her MFA in film studies at the University of Utah, with a concentration in the filming of dance.

William E. Shipley Remembers Art Class


William E. Shipley Remembers Art Class

Bill Shipley sent us a couple of photos from his second year of teaching in 1982. "I believe the location is Judy Shufro's art room in the Upper School. We were building a box kite with strips of wood and painted mylar, and we flew the kite at the end of the year field trip with the Lower School at Bear Mountain. Trinity was then an all boys school in the Lower and Middle School. I wish I could remember what grade level this was, and I only recall first names for the boys."

William E. Shipley is a Docent at Tweed Museum of Art


William E. Shipley is a Docent at Tweed Museum of Art

Bill is now a docent at the Tweed Museum of Art at the University of Minnesota Duluth, his alma mater. An article about Bill and his interest in art was published by the UMD Alumni Association online at

Joel Shapiro is Leaving Trinity


Joel Shapiro is Leaving Trinity

Joel Shapiro left Trinity at the end of the school year. During the end-of-year luncheon, Upper School Principal Jessica Bagby gave these remarks: "Joel, you are one-of-a-kind. Your signature passion for history and politics and your love for vigorous conversation with students and colleagues about both make you unforgettable. A man of conscience and conviction, you have inspired your colleagues and protégés to carry your light forward at Trinity and beyond. Thank you for your dedication to teaching history and for modeling civic engagement for two decades at Trinity."

Renée Seufert has a New Baby


Renée Seufert has a New Baby

Renée and Anne Youngling met while working together at Trinity in the athletics department. They were married on 14 February 2009 in Westport, Connecticut and are thrilled to announce the birth of their baby boy, Max Gustav Seufert-Youngling, on 3 June 2009. Renée is a school counselor at East Haven High School and Anne is a family practice physician at Guilford Family Practice.

Jennifer Semioli has a New Baby


Jennifer Semioli has a New Baby

Jennifer, her husband Mark, and daughter, Mia, welcomed Milo to the world on 7 January 2010 at 11:52 a.m.

Jennifer Semioli is Leaving Trinity


Jennifer Semioli is Leaving Trinity

Jen left Trinity at the end of the 2010-2011 academic year to relocate to Summit, New Jersey, where her husband is now working. We thank her for her service to Trinity School and wish her and her family well!

Ryan Scott Performs in An Evening of Comedy


Ryan Scott Performs in An Evening of Comedy

Ryan is in a play, an evening of comedy called All in the Timing by David Ives, presented by the Heavenly Rest Players. There are two performances: 24 April at 8:00 p.m. and 1 May at 8:00 p.m. at the Church of the Heavenly Rest at 2 East 90th Street. Tickets can be purchased at the door or on for $20.00. Also in the cast is current faculty member Ann Strohmeier.

Ian Schlesinger is the New Systems Support Engineer


Ian Schlesinger is the New Systems Support Engineer

Ian Schlesinger is currently the Mac systems support engineer at Trinity. He has been with the Trinity community for one year now and has brought a can-do attitude and personable customer service manner since first starting. Ian has over fifteen years of experience in the IT industry troubleshooting and supporting Mac and Windows based computing environments. Before joining Trinity, Ian was the technical lead of support at BMG Columbia House and a network analyst within the Ascent Media Corporation. He holds a BS in environmental sciences from Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey. Some of his hobbies include hiking, cycling, and cross-country skiing.

Ian Schlesinger is Leaving Trinity


Ian Schlesinger is Leaving Trinity

Trinity's "Mac Guy," Ian Schlesinger, left Trinity in June to pursue a new opportunity within the corporate information technology world. We wish him well in his new endeavor and thank him for his dedicated work here over the past two years.

Emily P. Scharf has a Watercolor Exhibit


Emily P. Scharf has a Watercolor Exhibit

Emily and current faculty member Brigitte Bentele have their watercolor paintings included an exhibit entitled “Watercolors from the National Academy of Fine Arts” at the Yeager Community Room Gallery at the Bronxville Public Library from 2 February through 25 February 2010. The opening reception is Thursday 4 February from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. For directions, please visit the Bronxville Public Library website at

Gabriela Saldana is a New Teacher of Grade Two


Gabriela Saldana is a New Teacher of Grade Two

Gabriela Saldana is no stranger to Trinity’s Lower School. She has been in Ms. Alvarez and Ms. Strohmeier’s classrooms as a first grade assistant teacher since 2009. She has prior experience in both the first and fourth grade levels at PS 234 and The School at Columbia University. Gabriela completed her graduate degree in museum education with a childhood certification for grades one through six from Bank Street College of Education. In previous summers, Gabriela worked as a counselor for Bank Street Summer Camp’s Spanish Immersion program. This year, she has dedicated her summer to continue to build on her professional growth. She attended workshops on project-based learning in the classroom through The School at Columbia’s Teach 21 institute and completed a week long writing seminar at the Teachers College world-renowned Reading and Writing Project. Her museum experiences include the Neuberger Museum of Art’s education department and in many capacities at Wave Hill, a public garden and cultural center in the Bronx. Her extensive work in Wave Hill’s education, horticulture, and art departments has deeply influenced her interest in building connections between youth and nature.

Gabriela Saldana is Leaving Trinity


Gabriela Saldana is Leaving Trinity

Gabriella Saldana left Trinity at school year’s end to move with her fiancé to Singapore. She will be teaching first grade at Overseas Family School (OFS). We thank her for her exceptional service to the School and wish her the best in this exciting new endeavor.

Lisa Jo Sagolla has a New Book


Lisa Jo Sagolla has a New Book

Lisa Jo Sagolla, who taught dance at Trinity from 1989 to 1990, has authored a new book, Rock 'n' Roll Dances of the 1950s, published by Greenwood Press in October 2011. The book explores dance as a reflection and expression of cultural trends.

Susan E. Ruta is Leaving Trinity


Susan E. Ruta is Leaving Trinity

Susan is leaving Trinity at the end of the school year to work alongside her husband in the family business, to be closer to home, and to spend more time with her youngest son.

Elisabeth K. Ruedy Celebrates Twenty-Five Years at Trinity


Elisabeth K. Ruedy Celebrates Twenty-Five Years at Trinity

Elisabeth was recently honored by Trinity for her twenty-five years of service to the School. Thank you, Elisabeth, for all you have given, and will continue to give, to the School!

Elisabeth K. Ruedy is Leaving Trinity


Elisabeth K. Ruedy is Leaving Trinity

After twenty-six years of teaching mathematics at Trinity, Elisabeth Ruedy announced her retirement. We thank her for her extraordinary contributions to the School and our students and wish her well in this next chapter of her life.

Stanislav Roslyakov is a New Head Robotics Coach


Stanislav Roslyakov is a New Head Robotics Coach

Stanislav is a graduate civil engineering student at the Polytechnic Institute of New York University with a focus towards instrumentation design with technical skills in structural, soil, and materials engineering. He has extensive teaching experience ranging from real world engineering projects to FIRST Lego League and FIRST Tech Challenge competitions. Stanislav tries to incorporate the concepts of invention and innovation into his lessons in order to instill the importance of research and engineering. He has competed as a team captain in National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s Lunabotics Mining Competition which involved the construction of a large lunar excavating vehicle. His design won the Judges’ Innovation Award and the $10,000 Paul Soros Prize for Creative Engineering. Stan is fluent in C++, MATLAB, Xcode and LabVIEW programming languages. His favorite activity is allowing students to ask any question they want during the last few minutes of class, and he provides the answers on the spot or after some research.

Jerome Rosenzweig is Golfing in Florida


Jerome Rosenzweig is Golfing in Florida

Jerome was recently elected vice president of the South County Golf League, a league which includes eighteen golf and country clubs in the Southern Florida region.

Jerome Rosenzweig has an Update from Florida


Jerome Rosenzweig has an Update from Florida

Jerome writes, "As captain of the Aberdeen Golf and Country Club golf team in West Boynton Beach, Florida, I have led them to their second season in the playoffs of the South County Golf League. I've enjoyed nine years in retirement at the Aberdeen Golf and Country Club."

Patricia M. Robbins is Volunteering at PS 166


Patricia M. Robbins is Volunteering at PS 166

Patricia writes, “First, a thank you to Sue Hipkens for her help in advising me when I began volunteering in the library at PS 166, Trinity’s neighbor on W 89th Street. We are off to a good start now, and happily, the Director of Community Service, Michael Barbaro, is offering Upper School students the opportunity to do community service with us, helping to keep a public school library open in this time of budget cuts. Other volunteers are welcome. If you are interested, let me know at [email protected].”

Brenda Rivera is a New Upper School Administrative Assistant


Brenda Rivera is a New Upper School Administrative Assistant

Brenda began working at Trinity in May 2010 after spending a few years at Bellmarc Realty. She enjoys writing poetry and has won the Editor’s Excellence Award for 2007 and 2008 from One of her poems entitled “Regrets” was published in a book of poems titled Collected Whispers from The International Library of Poetry, 2008.

Carole Ries is Leaving Trinity


Carole Ries is Leaving Trinity

After seven years, Carole Ries decided to continue her work in education at the Solomon Schechter School in Westchester, just a few blocks from her new home. We thank Carole for all she has contributed to the school during her time with us.

Carole Ries has New Position at Schechter Westchester Lower ...


Carole Ries has New Position at Schechter Westchester Lower School

Carole was recently named math curriculum and instruction coordinator in the lower school at the Solomon Schechter School of Westchester.

John A. Reynolds Retires to Maine


John A. Reynolds Retires to Maine

John retired after twenty-five years teaching mathematics and computer science at Trinity. He is enjoying retirement in Maine.

John A. Reynolds is Traveling and Enjoying Retirement


John A. Reynolds is Traveling and Enjoying Retirement

John writes, "I am still enjoying retirement in Maine. Last September, we sold our condo in Stamford and have become full-time maniacs. We have found Portland to be a real "foodie" city with some very good cultural events. In addition to taking our dogs to two nursing homes, Marsha and I have been volunteering at the Animal Welfare Society and the Saco Food Pantry. We've also managed to get in some travel. After Thanksgiving, we had a very pleasant cruise to the Caribbean. In February, we took a cruise out of Venice, Italy and went to the Eastern Mediterranean. Our itinerary included Egypt, but that was changed to two days in Israel. In May, we visited an old friend in Florida. He took us to a musical (Beehive - about the women rock singers of the 60s), and we saw Charlie Fornara, who was piano player, conductor and musical director. Charlie is doing a lot of work in musical theater in the Naples, Florida area. Now, we''re looking forward to a wonderful summer watching the Red Sox and our local Portland Sea Dogs."

Christine Reilly is Retiring


Christine Reilly is Retiring

At thirty-nine years of teaching here at Trinity School, Christine Reilly is retiring at the end of the 2012-2013 academic year. We thank her for her extraordinary service to the School and wish her the best on her retirement.

Joanne Handler Rau is Working in Florida


Joanne Handler Rauis Working in Florida

Joanne is working at the Society of the Four Arts library in Palm Beach, Florida, and enjoying it, but misses the interaction with the kids at Trinity.

Rachel E. Elkinson Ring has a New Baby


Rachel E. Elkinson Ring has a New Baby

Rachel gave birth to Persephone “Posey” Lilac Ring on 3 November 2009. Posey weighed six pounds three ounces.

Rachel E. Elkinson Ring is Leaving Trinity


Rachel E. Elkinson Ring is Leaving Trinity

Rachel left Trinity at the end of the 2010-2011 academic year. She relocated with her family to New Jersey, where she will serve as a consultant, revive her work in jewelry design, and spend more time with her family. We thank her for her years spent at Trinity!

Charles Quirin is a New Technology Support Engineer


Charles Quirin is a New Technology Support Engineer

Charles joined the technology team this July and has spent the summer familiarizing himself with Trinity’s campus and its technology systems. He has supported technology in scholastic environments for most of his career, most recently at Collegiate School. Charles enjoys spending his free time traveling and eating new and interesting cuisine, most recently the fresh fish of Croatia’s Dalmatian coast. Along with dining at the many interesting restaurants New York City has to offer, he enjoys the variety of street food that can be found all over the city.

Julie Pugkhem has Position at a New School


Julie Pugkhem has Position at a New School

Julie now teaches studio at Horace Mann’s nursery division in Manhattan.

Kimberly Pozner is Substituting for Joanne McGowan


Kimberly Pozner is Substituting for Joanne McGowan

Joanne McGowan is on medical leave as she undergoes knee replacement surgery. During her absence, Kimberly Pozner will serve as one of our reading specialists. She has experience as a learning specialist at such schools as Claremont Preparatory, Stephen Gaynor and the Spence School, and has been working as a private tutor since 1996. As part of the Spence School Resource Center, Kimberly has conducted several parent presentations. She loves spending as much time as possible with her two sons; Sam, age nine, and Jack, age five, enjoying all that New York City has to offer. Kimberly loves to travel, go to the movies and is an avid reader. She particularly enjoys yoga.

Bruce Posner is Interim Director of Technology


Bruce Posner is Interim Director of Technology

Bruce Posner began working part-time at Trinity during the month of June when he began overseeing the updating of Trinity’s technological infrastructure. Bruce has over thirty years of experience in information technology consulting and general management. Since 2005, he has been running Bruce Posner Consulting, where he has been providing comprehensive services to clients including strategic technology planning, project and staff management, IT assessments, business process analysis and redesign, website assessment and design, and education in best practices and products. For ten years prior he worked as director of technology and as an assistant head of school at Ethical Culture Fieldston School. Bruce has two albums available of music by British Isle composers. He is associate editor of the Journal of Urban Technology. Bruce lives in Riverdale with his wife, Sandy, and his son and step-daughter, Nathaniel and Laura. He is very pleased to be joining the Trinity team.

Denise Valentine Philpotts Returns to Full-Time Teaching


Denise Valentine Philpotts Returns to Full-Time Teaching

Denise is relinquishing her position as science department head at the end of the 2010-2011 academic year so that she can return to full-time teaching here at Trinity. Establishing our partnership with the Harlem DNA Lab, working tirelessly to foster greater cohesion in her sprawling K-12 science department, advocating passionately for a three-year science graduation requirement to validate the school's commitment to excellence in science education, Denise has accomplished much in such a short time, and we are grateful for her willingness to serve the school in this leadership role since 2009.

Laura K. Peyton is a New Admissions Receptionist


Laura K. Peyton is a New Admissions Receptionist

As a child growing up in Cambridge, Massachusetts, Laura Peyton attended several private schools. Raised by classical musicians, she studied violin for ten years and learned to speak French fluently during her nine years at École Bilingue (now called the International School of Boston), a bilingual school then located in Arlington, Massachusetts. Laura learned her love of visual arts at Beaver Country Day School in Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts. After graduating from Boston University in 2002 with a BA in sociology, she moved to New York City and helped start a small jewelry design company based in Brooklyn. Laura attended the School of Visual Arts as a graduate student from 2008-2010 where she received an MFA in illustration and had several exhibitions of her work.

Dr. Frances (Cary) Perry Moves to London


Dr. Frances (Cary) Perry Moves to London

Frances and her husband Martin relocated to London where she has found a position teaching biology at Epsom College. They traveled to Botswana during the summer of 2009.

Geoffrey Peppiatt is Retiring


Geoffrey Peppiatt is Retiring

Geoff Peppiatt has announced his retirement: “I will be retiring at the end of the current academic year after thirty-one years of the most enjoyable and stimulating teaching experiences one could possibly imagine. I still derive undiminished pleasure from being in a class with a group of students—in particular, sophomores—who are so engaging and endearing. The other side of the coin is that June and I have so many interests and things to do that we will be very busy and need time to fit it all in.”

We thank Geoff for his three decades of service to Trinity School and wish him the best on his retirement.

Tyler Paul ’04 is a New Assistant Teacher in Kindergar...


Tyler Paul ’04 is a New Assistant Teacher in Kindergarten

While earning his master’s degree in childhood education, Tyler served as an assistant teacher at Trevor Day School in first and second grade, where he also coached soccer and track and field. Tyler is no stranger to Trinity as he attended school here from Kindergarten through Grade Three and worked as a group counselor at the Trinity Day Camp. Tyler is a self-proclaimed “movie dork,” and enjoys nothing more than talking about movies with other film buffs. Tyler also loves to exercise, and spent much of the summer in gyms and yoga studios across the city.

Lee Palmer is Leaving Trinity


Lee Palmer is Leaving Trinity

Lee is leaving Trinity at the end of the 2009-2010 academic year to move to Washington, D.C. where she has accepted the position of head of upper school at Sidwell Friends School. She will be rejoining her husband, who moved there during the summer to work for the Environmental Protection Agency. The text of her announcement follows:
Dear Upper School Faculty,

It has been an honor and a privilege to be a part of this extraordinary community for the past five and half years, and the news I am sharing with you is accompanied by bittersweet feelings. I have accepted the position of Upper School Principal at Sidwell Friends School in Washington, D.C. for the next school year. The prospect of rejoining my husband and many long-time friends, the opportunity to serve another wonderful school, and the chance for a new adventure are all extremely exciting, and I’m looking to the future with great anticipation. However, I will no longer have the benefit of daily interactions with dear friends and colleagues, students, and parents who have made my experience at Trinity so rewarding and so thrilling.
I will do everything in my power to make the transition to a new principal go as smoothly as possible. I am deeply grateful for all that Trinity has given me, and will miss everyone. Thank you for your support, for your kindness, and for all that I have learned from you.
With much love,

Walter Ostapiak is Retiring


Walter Ostapiak is Retiring

After enjoying his thirty-seventh year of teaching at Trinity School, Walter decided to retire at the end of the 2010-2011 academic year. He is grateful for the many rewarding years he has taught at Trinity, and he will miss the students, fellow teachers, administrators, and staff.

Walter Ostapiak Recieves Dedication


Walter Ostapiak Recieves Dedication

John Allman, head of Trinity School, read the following dedication out loud during the final faculty and staff luncheon of the 2010-2011 academic year: "The year was 1974. Richard Nixon had just become the first President to resign from office. The cost of a gallon of gas was fifty-five cents, and the cost of a year in Trinity’s Kindergarten was $1350. And, after working for five years as a college professor, Walter Ostapiak came to Trinity to teach math in what was then called our Upper Middle division. A few years later, Walter added to his responsibilities the task of serving as the Eighth Grade Form Master, a precursor of our class deans today, and eventually Walter’s teaching responsibilities moved from Middle to Upper School. As his history at Trinity suggests, Walter quickly became known as a teacher who demonstrated a 'total commitment to Trinity' and who 'could be counted on to carry out any extra assignment.' One of his numerous department heads repeatedly described him as a 'mainstay of the department' known for his 'deep concern for students.' Another of his colleagues saw in Walter the essence and embodiment of faculty excellence at Trinity School—'he sets high standards for his students and always does everything he can to help them reach those standards.' As any of his students or colleagues will quickly report when asked about what they appreciate about Mr. O, Walter was also blessed with a distinctive sense of humor that he used to enliven his work with us. A man of mirth, he is also a man of quiet, yet fervent faith, and, in Walter, I suspect that the two are related, for I think he, like Karl Barth, understands in a profound way that 'laughter is the closest thing to the grace of God.' Walter, for thirty-seven years, you have graced us with your humor, your dedication to Trinity, your care for others—students and colleagues—and your total commitment to teaching. We are so grateful for your time with us. Please join me in thanking Mr. O for his thirty-seven years of distinctive service to Trinity School."

Upon his retirement, Walter donated two books to the Trinity School library: Personal Recollections of Joan of Arc by Mark Twain and The Complete C.S. Lewis Signature Classics by C.S. Lewis.

Personal Recollections of Joan of Arc is the story of the fifteenth-century martyred teenage patron saint of France. Twain said of this work: "I like Joan of Arc best of all my books; and it is the best; I know it perfectly well. And besides, it furnished me seven times the pleasure afforded me by any of the others; twelve years of preparation, and two years of writing. The others need no preparation and got none." Twain considered this book—his last finished novel—to be his most significant.

C. S. Lewis was one of the intellectual giants of the 20th century and arguably the most influential Christian writer of his day. His major contributions in literary criticism, children's literature, fantasy literature, and popular theology brought him international renown and acclaim. The Chronicles of Narnia was for decades the world's bestselling fantasy series for children. Although it was eventually superseded by Harry Potter, the series still holds a firm place in children's literature and the culture at large. The Complete C. S. Lewis Signature Classics contains his seven most popular works.

Kelly O’Shea is a New Upper School Science Teacher


Kelly O’Shea is a New Upper School Science Teacher

Kelly grew up in the suburbs of Chicago and is relocating to New York City from Middletown, Delaware, where she has been teaching physics for six years at St. Andrew’s School. Her goal is to make physics accessible to all students. Kelly writes the blog, Physics! Blog!, and is active in the online physics teaching community. She enjoys playing the flute and learning and playing other instruments.

Kelly O’Shea is Leaving Trinity


Kelly O’Shea is Leaving Trinity

Kelly O’Shea left Trinity at year’s end and will be teaching at Little Red School House & Elisabeth Irwin High School in the fall.We wish her well as she pursues this new professional opportunity.

Tristina Oppliger is Teaching in Spain


Tristina Oppliger is Teaching in Spain

Tristina is currently teaching English as a foreign language in a high school in Castellón, Spain.

Tristina Oppliger has Updates from Austin, Texas


Tristina Oppliger has Updates from Austin, Texas

Tristina, former special events assistant, is obtaining her teacher certification at the University of Texas at Austin. In addition, she is working as special events assistant for JDRF (Austin Chapter) and is currently managing a silent and live auction in order to fund research to cure Type 1 diabetes.

Patricia A. Niles is Retiring


Patricia A. Niles is Retiring

After thirty-three years of dedicated service to Trinity School, Patty Niles retired at school year’s end. She wanted all to know that she feels very fortunate to have worked with such memorable colleagues and students, and she looks forward to spending her post-Trinity years with family in Henryville, Pennsylvania, and St. Augustine, Florida. We thank her for her wonderful service to the School and wish her the best in her retirement.

Jyotsana Negi is a New Learning Specialist in the Upper Scho...


Jyotsana Negi is a New Learning Specialist in the Upper School

This past year Jyoti was a learning specialist at the Packer Collegiate Institute as a leave replacement. She has been in education for thirteen years and has had the opportunity to teach in Honduras as well as at three New York City charter schools where she served as academic interventionist, and an English as a Second Language and literacy teacher. Jyoti’s interests include Spanish, international travel, and the book club she founded here in the city five years ago that still meets each month. She is very much looking forward to supporting the Upper School students at Trinity in reaching their goals of academic success.

Hannah Trooboff McCollum has a New Baby Girl


Hannah Trooboff McCollum has a New Baby Girl

New Baby Girl

Hannah Trooboff McCollum is Leaving Trinity


Hannah Trooboff McCollum is Leaving Trinity

After four years at Trinity, Hannah McCollum decided to leave at year’s end in order to spend time with her family and explore new professional opportunities. We thank her for her service to the School.

Kathryn Mulvihill is Awarded a Masters Degree


Kathryn Mulvihill is Awarded a Masters Degree

Recently, after fours years of intensive study, Kate was awarded a masters degree in classics from Columbia University.

Kathryn Mulvihill is Awarded a Scholarship and Engaged


Kathryn Mulvihill is Awarded a Scholarship and Engaged

In spring 2010, Kate was awarded the Rea Silvia Borza Scholarship of the American School of Classical Studies in Athens, Greece where she studied during the past summer. In August, she recorded “Shir Ha-Shirim,” a piece for an unaccompanied female vocal quintet for avant-garde composer John Zorn. She premiered the piece in New York in 2007 and has since toured with it in Paris and Milan. She also performed Zorn’s “Frammenti Del Sappho” at the Richard B. Fisher Center for the Performing Arts at Bard College in November 2010.

Most importantly, Kate is engaged to her college classmate Karl Muchantef, and they will be married at the Yale Club on 8 January 2010.

Kathryn Mulvihill is Leaving Trinity


Kathryn MulvihillKathryn Mulvihill is Leaving Trinity

Kate left Trinity at the end of the 2010-2011 academic year to accompany her husband-to-be as he begins a medical fellowship in Philadelphia.

Kathryn Mulvihill Receives Dedication


Kathryn Mulvihill Receives Dedication

Chris Schoberl, head of the Middle School, read the following dedication out loud during the final faculty and staff luncheon of the 2010-2011 academic year:

"Kate has been at Trinity for six years. This was her first teaching job. She and her husband are moving to Philadelphia for Carl’s one-year fellowship at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, so she is using it as a window to explore some long-standing interests. She will be working on two psychology research projects: one at the University of Pennsylvania that looks at worry in the brain and one at Swarthmore that targets early adolescent girls in schools.

"In addition, she will be taking psychology classes, and maybe some education classes, to follow up on an interest in psychology that has grown over her years at Trinity. She will continue to sing professionally in New York, (she has a premiere in December!) and hopes to build up some new contacts in Philadelphia. She also hopes to get back on the Schuylkill River, where I rowed in high school, and participate in some regattas.

Says Kate, 'I am heartbroken at leaving my students and colleagues at the best job I can imagine. Anyone who has made the 7th grade trip to the musical, Wicked, will recognize the lyric that sums it up for me: 'Because I knew you, I’ve been changed for good.''

"When speaking of Kate, her colleagues have said: 'I wish I could have had the opportunity to sit in on her classes.' She is filled with wisdom and kindness, not simply for her subject matter and her approach to children, but for her colleagues as well. She is thoughtful, smart, friendly, and instantly accessible to anyone needing her ear. Kate never lets anything ruffle her feathers. She is balanced, and strong, yet sensitive and a good listener. Whenever I need an extra shoulder or an extra ear, Kate is there for me, and my only hope is that I have somehow been a source of comfort and respite for her as much as she has been for me. Kate is a full on member of the community, a professional in every sense of the word, she always has the best interests of the students in mind, and a great heart to share with each of them."

Peter Moriarty has a Photography Lecture


Peter Moriarty has a Photography Lecture

Peter gave a lecture on photographer Danny Lyon at the Hillwood Art Museum at Long Island University on 22 October 2009. The museum exhibited Lyon’s series “The Bikeriders,” 1960s photographs of the infamous Chicago Outlaws Motorcycle Club.

Peter Moriarty has a Photography Lecture on Italian Photogra...


Peter Moriarty has a Photography Lecture on Italian Photographer

Peter was asked to define a critical context for looking at the current show, Bluebird, by the Italian photographer, Frank Dituri, which is at Long Island University’s Hillwood Art Museum.

Peter Moriarty Photographs New Work of Glass Houses


Peter Moriarty Photographs New Work of Glass Houses

Peter, with the help of a Trinity School Parent Association grant, spent six weeks, from 3 July 2010 to 16 August 2010, photographing significant British and European glass houses. These photographs are added to his American portfolio of orangeries. Peter filled twenty-eight rolls of film at such places as Kew Gardens and Chiswick House in London; Chatsworth House in Derbyshire, England; the National Botanic Garden of Belgium; Strasbourg, France; the Jardin botanique de Nancy, France; and the greenhouse in the Paris Museum of Natural History.

He is currently editing the work and looking for a suitable venue to exhibit the photographs.

Peter Moriarty Publishes Introductory Notes About Work by Br...


Peter Moriarty Publishes Introductory Notes About Work by Bruce Edelstein and Thomas Holton

Peter Moriarty published introductory notes about work by fellow Visual Arts Department teachers Bruce Edelstein and Thomas Holton that is showing at Hillwood Art Museum at the C.W. Post campus of Long Island University from 12 September - 5 November 2011.

Peter Moriarty has work in the Permanent Collection of the W...


Peter Moriarty has work in the Permanent Collection of the Worcester Art Museum

Peter has had one of his photographs added to the permanent collection of the Worcester Art Museum. Since he started teaching at Trinity in 2002, the Princeton Art Museum, Wesleyan University, and the Yale University Art Gallery have acquired photographs from his Warm Roomseries. He has appreciated all the institutional support that has helped in this effort.

Patricia A. Mennitt is Leaving Trinity


Patricia A. Mennitt is Leaving Trinity

Patricia left Trinity at the end of the 2010-2011 academic year to spend more time with her family. We thank her for her time spent teaching at Trinity School.

Patricia A. Mennitt Receives Dedication


Patricia A. Mennitt Receives Dedication

"Patricia Mennitt has been a godsend to Trinity’s biology program," says Upper School Principal Jessica Bagby, "Picking up classes we needed covered and doing so with wonderful professionalism and care. Her students have found her to be a devoted and caring teacher and her colleagues have appreciated her generosity and collaborative spirit in their work together. Patricia decided earlier this year that she needed to take a hiatus from teaching to prioritize her young family. We wish her the very best and thank her for her good work her over the past two years."

Patricia Mead is Retiring


Patricia Mead is Retiring

Pat retired at the end of the 2010-2011 academic year and relinquished her seat on New Jersey Transit. Among other things, she plans to travel with her husband, who retired the previous year.

Patricia Mead Receives Dedication


Patricia Mead Receives Dedication

John Allman, head of Trinity School, read the following dedication out loud during the final faculty and staff luncheon of the 2010-2011 academic year: "From the day Pat Mead joined our Middle School’s Learning Center as a learning specialist eight years ago, she has been an extraordinarily skilled and patient educator as well as wonderful colleague, always willing to help out anyone in need, in whatever way she could. Her colleagues describe her as 'stellar,' 'wonderful,' 'exceptional,' 'always advocating for children first,' and 'a model of collegiality.' One grateful parent described Pat this way: 'Pat has been nothing short of a life saver.' And in trying to express one of the secrets of Pat’s phenomenal success with all kinds of students, one of you said this about Pat: 'Pat brings a sense of joy to her work, a joy that is infectious and that helps students to connect to her.' Pat, we will miss you, and, as you travel and volunteer in your years after Trinity, we hope and trust that your days will be filled with the same joy with which you filled our lives here. Please join me in thanking Ms. Mead for her extraordinary service to Trinity School for the past eight years."

Upon her retirement, Pat donated this book to the Trinity School library: Morocco: Designs from Casablanca to Marrakesh by Lisl Dennis and Landt Dennis.

The book captures the wonderful experiences Pat had while living in Morocco during the Peace Corps many moons ago. Pat hopes it will inspire its readers to explore this wonderful country.

Geraldine McNally is a New Upper School Learning Specialist


Geraldine McNally is a New Upper School Learning Specialist

Gerry is an experienced independent school learning and literacy specialist and a dedicated advocate for students with learning differences. She comes to us from the Blue School and The Storm King School where she also taught English literature. Gerry is affiliated with the International Reading Association and the National Council of Teachers of English. She has particular interest in helping students find their authentic voices in writing. Gerry enjoys reading and writing poetry and spending time with her family, which includes her husband, three sons, and one dog.

Geraldine McNally is Leaving Trinity


Geraldine McNally is Leaving Trinity

Gerry McNally left us at year’s end to devote her energies to private practice in Orange County, New York. While she will miss her colleagues and students here, she also reports that she will not miss the commute! We thank her for her service to Trinity and wish her the best.

Erin McMenamin is a New Assistant Teacher in Grade Three


Erin McMenamin is a New Assistant Teacher in Grade Three

Nine years ago, Erin McMenamin moved to New York to pursue a career in acting. During this time, she has had the opportunity to perform in several Off-Broadway and regional theatres including several summers at the Williamstown Theatre Festival in Massachusetts. She taught acting to young students for many years, most recently working with Child’s Play NY in Brooklyn. She is pursuing a master’s degree from Bank Street College of Education. Originally from Philadelphia, Erin currently lives in Astoria, Queens with her husband, James. She is thrilled to be a new member of the Trinity School community. Go Phillies!

Erin McMenamin has a New Baby


Erin McMenamin has a New Baby

Erin and James welcomed a baby to the world on 15 March 2014. Erin writes, "Greetings from the nursery! Joseph Edward McMenamin wasted absolutely no time of spring break to arrive. I must have been in early labor without knowing it at dismissal on Friday, because he graced us with his presence early Saturday morning! Weighing in at a tiny five pounds, thirteen ounces, Joseph was three weeks early and nearly born on the Queensboro Bridge! It was a wild and fast delivery. James and I are absolutely in love and grateful that everyone is very healthy and happy."

Congratulations to the family!

Kaori Y. McManus is Leaving Trinity


Kaori Y. McManus is Leaving Trinity

Kaori is leaving Trinity to teach closer to her home at Rye Country Day School. We thank her for her time with us at Trinity, and wish her the best!

Joanne McGowan Celebrates Twenty-Five Years at Trinity


Joanne McGowan Celebrates Twenty-Five Years at Trinity

Joanne was recently honored by Trinity for her twenty-five years of service to the School. Thank you, Joanne, for all you have given, and will continue to give, to the School!

Joanne McGowan is on Medical Leave


Joanne McGowan is on Medical Leave

Joanne is on medical leave as she undergoes knee replacement surgery. During her absence, Kimberly Pozner will serve as one of our reading specialists. She has experience as a learning specialist at such schools as Claremont Preparatory, Stephen Gaynor and the Spence School, and has been working as a private tutor since 1996.

Gene McGarry has a Life Update


Gene McGarry has a Life Update

Gene writes, “I spend a good deal of my time birding and photographing the birds I find. I am involved in a Haiku Kai group as well. It seems a natural fit with my love of being outdoors.”

Maxine McClintock Publishes New Book


Maxine McClintock Publishes New Book

Maxine, who taught history at Trinity School from 1990 to 2006, recently published a book, Letters of Recommendation. She writes, "The idea for Letters germinated about seven years ago. I wanted to write to my students about the issues their schooling didn't address, specifically the difference between success and fulfillment, getting schooled and achieving an education, entitlement and privilege, study and learning. I also wanted to recommend that the responsibility for recognizing and acting upon those differences rests with each person."

Letters of Recommendation features correspondence between a student and teacher. From the back of the book: "Emilia, a girl who seemingly has it all, asks an admired teacher, Doc, for a letter of recommendation supporting early admission to a top college. Emilia withdraws the request, beginning to doubt what she's doing, and why, and what she really wants in life. Doc senses her unease. Letters result, back and forth through the school year, with subtle attention to the girl's emerging sense of self and the teacher's presence, both humane and professional. The year ends, the exchange stops; life's externals appear settled for now, with the larger questions deepened, but still open, as they always are."

Maxine continues, "Letters is a quiet book that depicts what goes on as a good education takes place. It affirms a student's self-reliance in the face of felt uncertainties. It also affirms a teacher's trust that her presence as a full, human person has value and meaning in carrying on the work of education. The letters create a pedagogical dialogue."

Letters of Recommendation is currently available at

Marisol Martinez has Two Art Exhibitions


Marisol Martinez has Two Art Exhibitions

Due to the snowy weather, the reception of Marisol's and her sister's show has been rescheduled for Wednesday, 9 February 2011 from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. "New Works on Paper by Two Sisters" is at the Spence Gallery at the Spence School on 22 East 91st Street, 7th floor. The exhibition is on view from 26 January - 3 March 2011 and the gallery hours are Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. The show also features the work of her sister, Sylvia Martinez.

Marisol is also in another group show titled "Re-Turn: Barnard Alumnae Exhibition" at the Louis McCagg Gallery at Barnard College. The reception is Thursday, 10 February 2011 from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. The Louis McCagg Gallery is located on the fourth floor of The Diana Center in the Barnard College campus, and the exhibition is on view from 7 - 25 February 2011.

Marisol Martinez has a Reading at the High Line


Marisol Martinez has a Reading at the High Line

As part of the Seventh Annual PEN World Voices of International Literature event and with Ugly Duckling Presse,
Marisol read poems from her unfinished illustrated novel at the High Line in Chelsea on 1 May with poets Jen Bervin, Julian T. Brolaski, and Eugene Ostashevsky.

Last year, Ugly Duckling Presse published a second printing of Marisol's book After you, dearest language.

Marisol Martinez has Video Exhibited at National Academy Mus...


Marisol Martinez has Video Exhibited at National Academy Museum

Opening on 15 May 2015 at National Academy Museum and School in the show, Creative Mischief, is a video by Visual Arts Department Faculty Member Marisol Limon Martinez titled, "You Are Red Just Like Me."

The show runs until 24 May 2015.

Marisol Martinez has Third Book Published


Marisol Martinez has Third Book Published

Marisol Limon Martinez’s third book, "Via Dissimulata," uses the book as a frame and a portal: phrases and images echo, cycle, and stutter as the book-length poem accrues meanings both archetypal and personal.

Classics Faculty Member Bill Pagonis provided the Latin translations for the book.

The New York City book release reading and performance will take place on Tuesday, 9 June at 6:30 p.m. at Pete's Candy Store, 709 Lorimer Street, in Williamsburg, Brooklyn.

To order a copy of the book:

For more information about Ms. Martinez:

Zev Markenson is New Director of Technology


Zev Markenson is New Director of Technology

Zev Markenson is Trinity's new director of technology. Zev possesses both the technical savvy as well as management skills needed to support the changing technological needs of our school. He is passionate about working closely and collaboratively with others to solve problems and explore options that will best serve individual as well as institutional needs.

Zev will be working closely with our interim director of technology, Bruce Posner, to ensure that his transition is smooth and that the School’s technology is operating effectively as we begin the 2012-2013 academic year.

Margery Mandell is Leaving Trinity


Margery Mandell is Leaving Trinity

As a result of the School's decision to restructure responsibilities in the Upper School administration, Margery Mandell will be leaving Trinity after fifteen years of exemplary work, most recently administering the School's internship program, directing the Upper School's Community Time programming, and overseeing Upper School foreign travel opportunities. We wish her well on her future endeavors.

Rob Mancabelli is New Director of Technology


Rob Mancabelli is New Director of Technology

Rob Mancabelli is passionately committed to transforming teaching and learning through the use of technology. “In the Internet era we can learn from anyone, anywhere, at any time—an incredible game changer for the field of education. Now students have the power not only to work with the teacher in their classroom, but with ‘teachers’ from across the globe. The question for schools like Trinity is, ‘How can we build on the incredible education that we already provide by having students and teachers construct personal learning networks of people, resources, and information from around the world?’”

Rob developed his philosophy and approach while working in two schools over the past fifteen years. Most recently, as director of information systems for Hunterdon Central, his programs were nationally recognized for using technology to improve teaching and learning. At Central, every day many students in language classes spoke with native student speakers around the world. English classes blogged with Pulitzer Prize winning journalists and award-winning novelists. Students studied science by bringing scientists into their classrooms. Student engagement in those classes was remarkable, and graduates received not only top notch skills for college, but also a lasting global network of teachers and colleagues.

An active speaker within the field of educational technology, Rob has presented at venues such as Princeton University, Columbia University, the National Education Computing Conference, the University of Pennsylvania, and the Bill and Melinda Gates Leadership Conference. He serves on the National K-12 Advisory Council for Dell Computer, and he was part of a statewide task force assigned to redesign the high school experience for all students in the state of New Jersey. He has his national certification in project management, and he is working on his MBA from the MIT Sloan Executive Education program.

Rob is looking forward to working with Trinity School and discussing these ideas with an interested community. “I hear a different message at Trinity than at other schools. They understand that we are living in a very different world and that education is going to need to incorporate new tools into teaching and learning. The opportunities here are incredibly exciting, and I look forward to engaging with teachers, students, and parents in a conversation about how to use technology in ways that improves learning for everyone.”

Rob Mancabelli is Leaving Trinity


Rob Mancabelli is Leaving Trinity

Rob and his wife, Gayle Allen, associate head, are leaving Trinity in June 2011. They are moving to Boston, Massachusetts to enjoy opportunities with MIT Sloan School of Management (both are in the MBA program) and the broader field of education.

Jane Mallison is Retiring


Jane Mallison is Retiring

Jane is retiring at the end of the 2011-2012 academic year after over four decades at Trinity. She writes:
"When Mick Jagger and I started our respective careers back in the ‘60s, I assumed our professional paths would run parallel for some time but that Mick would retire before I did. After all, moving around under bright lights like a rooster on acid (Richard Belzer’s phrase) is more taxing than dealing with a room full of seventh graders, if only by a little. Imagine my surprise then that I’ve decided to retire in June while Mick and the lads are still going full tilt.
"I came to Trinity in the fall of 1970 when the students were all male as were nearly all the teachers above fifth grade. We were three females that year (me in English, Chris Heyworth in history, Andrea Agrell in French), three women not allowed to use either of the restrooms in the faculty lounge. But I loved the teaching, loved the students--and that love has persisted for forty-two years. (Since I’ve taught between 2,000 and 2,500 students here, it’s remarkable that I can cite only three who were unalloyed non-pleasures.)

"And while we’re doing the math, I’ll note that I’ve served under seven heads of school, eight Upper School principals, and eight Middle School principals; I’ve learned something valuable from working with each of them. I’ll leave Trinity with bittersweet feelings but with deep gratitude for a career I love. There’s a rumor that there’s life beyond the professional arena, and, it’s okay, Mick, I’ll be waiting for you. Meanwhile, I look forward to a fine second semester."

We would like to thank Jane for her extraordinary contributions to the School.

Sanjiv Maliakal Returns to the East Coast


Sanjiv Maliakal Returns to the East Coast

An update on Sanjiv and Nika Skvir-Maliakal: “After leaving Trinity, we moved to the San Francisco Bay Area – Sanj was teaching sixth and eighth grade science at the San Francisco Day School and Nika returned to the Prospect Sierra School to teach eighth grade humanities. We got married, traveled a lot (Hawaii, Costa Rica, and India have been highlight trips), managed to do a lot of hiking and windsurfing, and then had two twin girls, Madeline and Katherine, in September 2007. This past summer, we moved back to the East Coast to be closer to family. Sanj is currently teaching sixth and eighth grade science at New Canaan Country School while Nika is at home with the girls. We’d love to hear from former students and/or colleagues. Our e-mail address, [email protected], is a good way to reach us. Hope this finds everyone well!”

William E. Major is Retiring


William E. Major is Retiring

Bill is retiring at the end of the 2011-2012 academic year after thirty-one years as a skilled teacher, "form master," assistant principal, principal, and department head. We thank him for his many contributions to the School and wish him the best in his retirement.

Heather Jane Lynn is Special Events Manager During Li-An Pre...


Heather Jane Lynn is Special Events Manager During Li-An Previn’s Maternity Leave

Heather is managing the spring benefit during Li-An Previn’s maternity leave. She holds a BA in vocal performance from Vanderbilt University and her MA in arts administration from Indiana University. Most recently, Heather was special events assistant at Carnegie Hall and held positions in marketing, development, and event planning for several organizations prior to that. She is an accomplished cabaret singer who performs locally every month.

Heather Jane Lynn has a New Job


Heather Jane Lynn has a New Job

Heather is now Special Events Coordinator at the New York City Ballet.

Li-Dai Lu is Leaving Trinity


Li-Dai Lu is Leaving Trinity

Li-Dai, who has taught math in the Upper School since 2006, will be leaving Trinity to teach math and Chinese literature at Avenues: The World School. We thank him for his time with us, and wish him the best on his next journey as a educator.

Jason A. Lombard has New Businesses


Jason A. Lombard has New Businesses

Jason left Trinity to start two new businesses. He is part-owner of Unleash: Brooklyn, New York’s largest holistic animal care center for dogs and cats located in Greenpoint, Brooklyn. Jay is also the founder of Dog Habitat Inc., a not-for-profit rescue shelter that will rehabilitate and find homes for neglected and abandoned dogs.

Jason A. Lombard has a New Tea Company in Maine


Jason A. Lombard has a New Tea Company in Maine

Jay Lombard moved to Portland, Maine, in January 2013 and launched Finest Kind Tea. Read the story behind the product in an article published in the Bangor Daily News at He is also a finalist in The Next Big Food Thing, run by Fresh Direct. Good luck, Jay!

Diane Linder Berman has a New Book Published


Diane Linder Berman has a New Book Published

Diane writes, "I wrote and published a book about my experiences seeking a quality education for my son who has special needs. My search led us to a Long Island district committed to inclusion." The book, Beyond Words, Reflections On Our Journey to Inclusion, was published by White hat press in 2010. It can be found at

Steven H. Lewis has an Art Exhibit


Steven H. Lewis has an Art Exhibit

Stephen collaborated with artist Beth Haber on a commissioned work that was on display at Riverwinds Gallery, 172 Main Street, Beacon, New York. Around twenty artists were invited to create works for display in store windows on Main Street in Beacon, a thriving arts scene and home to Dia: Beacon. The work was on display until 12 September and consisted of site-specific installations of mixed media including watercolor renderings, twine, copper screening, and live digital animation. The work was in celebration of the 400th anniversary of Henry Hudson’s voyage up the Hudson River. The texts from the pieces were taken from the journals of Robert Juet, who accompanied Hudson on the exploration.

Sarah Levy has a New Baby


Sarah Levy has a New Baby

Sarah writes, "I'm excited to share the news that my husband and I welcomed into the world a beautiful baby boy, Elijah Hopper Kalista, on 10 April 2014 at 1:21 a.m. He weighed in at eight pounds, seven ounces, and measured twenty-and-a-half inches. All three of us are doing well and are greatly enjoying each others' company!" Congratulations to the family!

Colin Levitt has a New Baby Boy


Colin Levitt has a New Baby Boy

Congratulations to Colin and his wife, Sue, who gave birth to a boy, Kirin, on 4 July 2011 at 7:53 a.m. All in the family are doing well!

Colin Levitt is Leaving Trinity


Colin Levitt is Leaving Trinity

Colin is leaving Trinity to teach middle school math at Brooklyn's Packer Collegiate School. We thank him for his time with us, and wish him luck on his next endeavor!

Judd K. Levingston has a New Book and Career Update


Judd K. Levingston has a New Book and Career Update

Judd writes, “I enjoyed my time at Trinity very much in 2002 and I have appreciated staying in touch with Rev. Tim Morehouse, with whom I taught in the religion department. Since then, I have been continuing to teach religious and Jewish studies at the Perelman Jewish Day School, at Temple University as an adjunct professor, and now in a new position as director of Jewish Studies at Jack M. Barrack Hebrew Academy. A book I have written about character education has just been published by Praeger Publications, so there have been some exciting opportunities for me since leaving New York. It is called Sowing the Seeds of Character: The Moral Education of Adolescents in Public and Private Schools.”

Robin Lester has a New Novel Published


Robin Lester has a New Novel Published

Robin Lester, head of school at Trinity from 1975 to 1986, has written a novel, Princes of New York, which was published in November 2013. The book "is the story of a Manhattan headmaster's battle with a Trump-like trustee over the school's and his soul and includes his falling in love with the president of his parents' association, trips to Amsterdam, Scotland, and plentiful Rembrandt lore." The book can be found online at

Lisa Allyn Lebow Relocates to Atlanta


Lisa Allyn Lebow Relocates to Atlanta

Lisa and her family relocated to Atlanta during the summer.

Lawrence G. LeBow has News after Trinity


Lawrence G. LeBow has News after Trinity

Larry sent us a recap of his life after Trinity: "After leaving Trinity I worked in the insurance industry for three years. After this I taught high school math at Xavier High School in New York City from 1984-2007. While at Xavier I was the rehearsal and orchestral pianist for around twenty musical productions. Since retiring I have been a volunteer math tutor at Stuyvesant High School."

Lindsay Lauder is a New Teacher of Visual Arts


Lindsay Lauder is a New Teacher of Visual Arts

During 2008-2009, Lindsay Lauder was hired as Trinity’s Artist-in-Residence. In celebration of our 300th anniversary, Lindsay created the large mosaic at the end of the long hall, which includes creative input by our students. Additional mosaics can also be seen as you ascend the stairs in the Lower School, and also above the Upper School bulletin board. With her education and experience in art therapy and education, she uses her therapeutic and artistic skills with both children and adults to help them gain insight, increase self-esteem and to become more resilient, productive, and valued community members. If you’re looking for something different to do on New Year’s Day, go to Brighton Beach where Lindsay and her clan from the Polar Bear Club take a dip in the ocean.

Nicole Marie Lantz is a New Administrative Assistant in Regi...


Nicole Marie Lantz is a New Administrative Assistant in Registrar’s Office

Nicole is the new administrative assistant in the Registrar’s Office. She earned her BA from The College of William & Mary, and previously worked at HarperCollins Children’s Books where she was a publicist for four years. She is currently working on a master’s degree in creative writing at The New School.

Jeremy Lamb is a New Performing Arts Technology Assistant


Jeremy Lamb is a New Performing Arts Technology Assistant

Jeremy is the new Performing Arts technology assistant. He graduated from the University of Texas at Austin with a BS in radio, television, and film. He previously worked as a resident teacher and curriculum developer in three separate middle and high school environments leading summer school workshops and performances in improvised theatre. He is the executive producer of the Out of Bounds Comedy Festival in Austin, Texas. He has also worked freelance in theatre electrics in Chicago. In addition to his position at Trinity, he works as overhaul crew for The Public Theater in New York, where he is constantly on call for any special assignments at the theatre.

Jeremy Lamb and Caitlin Sweet ’01 have Improvisation P...


Jeremy Lamb and

Jeremy, Lower School assistant teacher Caitlin Sweet, and their improvisational troupe, The Hypotheticals, are having a mini two-show run this December. The troupe will be debuting a hilarious new format, in which they improvise the process of putting up a 'play' in three acts, from table-read to opening night. The performances are 2 December and 9 December 2010 at 9:30 p.m. at the Peoples Improv Theater (PIT) on W 29th Street between 6th and 7th avenues. The cost is $5.00.

Jeremy Lamb is Leaving Trinity


Jeremy Lamb is Leaving Trinity

Jeremy left Trinity at the end of the 2010-2011 academic year to head back to Austin, Texas, where he will be pursuing graduate study in Drama and Theatre for Youth at the University of Texas.

Katherine Krantz is Leaving Trinity


Katherine Krantz is Leaving Trinity

Katherine is leaving Trinity at the end of the year to move to Seattle, where her husband’s medical residency will begin in June.

Monika Kolodziej is Leaving Trinity


Monika Kolodziej is Leaving Trinity

Monika has decided to step down to attend to her health during her pregnancy. She will be replaced by Amber Hagen, who has worked in After School since 2005. We thank Monika for her service to the School.

Alexandra Klein is Leaving Trinity


Alexandra Klein is Leaving Trinity

Alexandra Klein announced her retirement from Trinity School, after forty-two years as a learning specialist, nineteen of them at Trinity. We thank her for her nearly two decades of service to the School and wish her well in this next chapter of her life.

Brian Kivlan is Retiring


Brian Kivlan is Retiring

After forty-two years of teaching and coaching at Trinity School, Brian Kivlan is retiring. We thank him for his over four decades of service to the School and wish him the best on his retirement.

Meredith Pinckney Kent Takes a Leave of Absence


Meredith Pinckney Kent Takes a Leave of Absence

While she is not leaving us permanently, Meredith will be taking a one-year leave of absence so she can devote all of her energies to the twins she is expecting in the fall.

Gregory Kenney is Leaving Trinity


Gregory Kenney is Leaving Trinity

After eighteen years of dedicated work with our students on our fields and in our gyms, Greg Kenney left Trinity at the end of the school year. We thank him for his commitment to our students and to our school and wish him well on his future endeavors.

Janet E. Kehi is Retiring


Janet E. Kehl is Retiring

Janet plans to retire at the end of the 2009-2010 academic year after twenty-five years of service to the School. She is excited to make Maine her permanent home and to explore opportunities to help not-for-profits in Portland.

Janet E. Kehi has First Year of Retirement


Janet E. Kehl has First Year of Retirement

Janet writes, "In my first year of retirement, I miss all of my former students and colleagues but have enjoyed having the extra time to paddle about in my kayak, to read, to revamp my long lost Italian, to attend lectures and concerts at Bowdoin College, and to do some volunteer work in our small Maine community. So far, I have one French student, a veteran, and I'm hoping to start a French reading group. Once a Francophile, always a Francophile!"

Meredith Kato is in a General Surgery Residency


Meredith Kato is in a General Surgery Residency

Meredith graduated from medical school in 2005 and is now in her fifth year of seven of a general surgery residency. Her two girls, Anna, age two, and Jillian, age five, have a favorite babysitter…Hallie M. Friedman ’01!

N. Jan Kang is Leaving Trinity and has Baby News


N. Jan Kang is Leaving Trinity and has Baby News

Jan is leaving Trinity to prepare for her second child.

Achyut S. Joshi is a New Teacher of Mathematics in the Upper...


Achyut S. Joshi is a New Teacher of Mathematics in the Upper School

Achyut Joshi has been teaching mathematics since 2002, most recently at Trevor Day School. Outside of the math classroom, he is an Indian classical vocalist, and in 2005, received a Fulbright Scholarship to train one-on-one with a teacher in India. He actively performs and teaches privately, and is looking forward to sharing his music with the Trinity community. Achyut is fluent in Spanish, Hindi, and his mother tongue, Marathi.

Achyut S. Joshi is Leaving Trinity


Achyut S. Joshi is Leaving Trinity

Achyut Joshi is leaving Trinity to pursue more music-related work as a classical Indian vocalist. He plans to teach music privately and hopes to bring Indian classical vocal music to a wider audience. He wants us to know that he has had great fun working at Trinity for the past three years. We thank him for his service to the School and wish him the best on his exciting endeavor.

Don E. Jones Jr. has an Update from Florida


Don E. Jones Jr. has an Update from Florida

Don writes, “I currently serve as a trustee for the David A. Straz, Jr. Center for the Performing Arts ( in Tampa, Florida. It is the largest theatre complex south of the Kennedy Center on the East Coast. In April I will serve as voluntary program chair for the twentieth year of the Florida State Thespian Conference ( This conference annually hosts 7500 Florida high school theatre students for four days of performance, auditions, workshops, and competition at the Straz Center which was formerly known as the Tampa Bay Performing Arts Center. I also serve on the board of our local Pinellas County Cultural Arts Council.”

Walter C. Johnson has an Update on Children


Walter C. Johnson has an Update on Children

Walter, now Headmaster of Hackley School, writes, “Some alumni may remember my daughter, Meg, who was born in January 1989 (thank you for babysitting!) She’s now a junior at Harvard, and my son Will, born in London in 1994, is a sophomore at Hackley, where we’ve been since 1995.”

Elizabeth “Libby” Jelliffe has a New Son


Elizabeth “Libby” Jelliffe has a New Son

Libby and her husband, Za, adopted a newborn boy from Mississippi two days after he was born. Connor Scribner Jelliffe was born on 12 July 2011 at five pounds twelve ounces and measuring nineteen and a half inches. Big brother, Dylan, adores his younger brother. All in the family are doing well. Libby returns from leave in mid-October.

Elizabeth “Libby” Jelliffe is Leaving Trinity


Elizabeth “Libby” Jelliffe is Leaving Trinity

Wanting to reduce long-distance commute time to maximize time with her family, Libby Jelliffe has accepted a learning support position at Rye County Day School, much closer to her home. We thank her for her wonderful work with us during the past three years and wish her well in her new position.

Shelley A. Jackson Co-Illustrates a New Book


Bonnie Jackson Co-Illustrates a New Book

Shelley and her husband Jeff Crosby have co-illustrated a new children’s book published in September 2009. Upon Secrecy, written by Selene Castrovilla and published by Calkins Creek Press, is the story of George Washington’s spy ring that operated out of New York during the Revolutionary War.

Bonnie Jackson is Performing in The Nutcracker and the Mouse...


Bonnie Jackson is Performing in The Nutcracker and the Mouse King

Bonnie is performing in the original Off-Broadway production of The Nutcracker and the Mouse King produced by PiPe Dream Theatre. The limited engagement runs from 29 November through 15 December 2012 at the Beckett Theatre (Theatre Row, 410 West 42nd Street).

Bonnie writes, "The Nutcracker and the Mouse King is not your typical Christmas musical. A somewhat dark comedy, this fantastical show will take you on journey to another world, where there are life size mice, talking dolls, sword fights, magic, true love and, of course, a happy ending. The entire family will love this new take on an old favorite!"

Tickets are $25 and can be purchased online at or by calling 212-239-6200. Tickets can also be purchased in person at the Theatre Row box office at 410 West 42nd Street.

For more information, visit

Bonnie Jackson is Leaving Trinity


Bonnie Jackson is Leaving Trinity

Bonnie Jackson left Trinity at the end of the school year to teach at Caedmon School on the Upper East Side. We thank her for her service to the School and wish her well in her next position.

Cem Inaltong is Leaving Trinity


Cem Inaltong is Leaving Trinity

After almost ten years at Trinity, two-and-a-half as chair of our math department, Cem has decided he will leave us at school year's end to serve as math department head at Avenues: The World School, a for-profit school scheduled to open in Chelsea in fall 2012. We will miss Cem’s exceptional teaching and visionary leadership, but wish him well as he pursues this new professional opportunity.

June M. Idzal is Enjoying Retirement


June M. Idzal is Enjoying Retirement

June is living in Philadelphia and has just been selected to be in the Philadelphia Museum of Art’s next two year training program for learning the collection. She says, “In 2011 I’ll be guiding tours and I hope to see some Trinity faces on my tours! Retirement is great. I just started to take up golf!”

Elizabeth J. Hunter is Active After Retirement


Elizabeth J. Hunter is Active After Retirement

Elizabeth has been active since retirement. “I volunteer twice a week at two different centers, attend concerts at Carnegie Hall and plays at the Signature Theatre, taking a Spanish class, going to the gym, and enjoying photography, reading, and knitting.”

Elizabeth J. Hunter is Volunteering and Traveling


Elizabeth J. Hunter is Volunteering and Traveling

Liz writes, "Since retiring, I have been volunteering at Jacobi Medical Center, traveled to Spain and parts of Florida in the last year, joined community groups, and later in the year I'm going by sleeper train to New Orleans."

Sue Hipkens is Retiring


Sue Hipkens is Retiring

After an extraordinary forty-seven years as Lower School librarian at Trinity School, Sue Hipkens is retiring at the end of the 2012-2013 academic year. We thank her for all that she has done for Trinity and the Lower School. Bob Hipkens, Upper School science teacher, will join his wife in retirement.

Robert W. Hipkens is Retiring


Robert W. Hipkens is Retiring

At the end of the 2012-2013 academic year, Robert Hipkens will retire. Bob has been teaching at Trinity since 1972, and we thank him for his four decades of service to the School. Sue Hipkens, Lower School librarian, will join her husband in retirement.

Nelly M. Hilsman is Back in New Jersey


Nelly M. Hilsman is Back in New Jersey

Nelly Hilsman, who taught French at Trinity from 1979 to 1987, writes: "My husband Ashby and I are back east in our New Jersey home after four marvelous years spent in Salt Lake City, Utah where we so enjoyed skiing and hiking."

Rev. Daniel R. Heischman Writes a New Book


Rev. Daniel R. Heischman Writes a New Book

Daniel has returned to New York after twenty years. He is executive director of the National Association of Episcopal Schools, of which Trinity is a member. “I have just completed a book: Good Influence: Teaching the Wisdom of Adulthood, which comes out of my thirty years working in schools, about a third of which were at Trinity.”

Christina Harrison has a New Baby


Christina Harrison has a New Baby

Christi Harrison and her husband, John, recently welcomed a new addition to their family. Mom reports: “Slater Wesley Harrison was born on 23 January 2013 at a whopping nine pounds, seven ounces. He was born with a radical mohawk but that is the only thing wild about that child. Slater is peaceful, gentle, and enjoys adults and children alike. Etcher, now two and a half years old, was a bit jealous at first but quickly warmed up. Etch has now entered the experimental phase of putting his finger in Slater's mouth as a pacifier, pinching his nose, picking him up and trying to feed him popcorn....all completely terrifying.”

Christina Harrison is Leaving Trinity


Christina Harrison is Leaving Trinity

Christi Harrison has accepted a position at St. Ann’s School in Brooklyn, much closer to her home. We thank her for her service to the School and to our students during the past nine years and wish her the best on her next endeavor.

Susan Harriot is Leaving Trinity


Susan Harriot is Leaving Trinity

Susan has accepted the position of director of admissions and financial aid at St. Luke’s School, a pre-K-8 coed Episcopal day school located in the West Village. She is not leaving entirely, though. Her son enters kindergarten at Trinity next year (class of 2024) and she will become a Trinity parent!

Elizabeth Harvard Harnage is Leaving Trinity


Elizabeth Harvard Harnage is Leaving Trinity

Elizabeth leaving Trinity to work as a technology integrationist at Brooklyn Friends School.

Chinita Leung Hard is Leaving Trinity


Chinita Leung Hard is Leaving Trinity

Chinita accepted a position as associate teacher in the first grade at the Spence School. We thank her for all that she has contributed during her time at Trinity!

Elizabeth Hanft is Attending Yale Law School


Elizabeth Hanft is Attending Yale Law School

Elizabeth left Trinity to attend Yale Law School.

Amy Hand is New Head of the Mathematics Department


Amy Hand is New Head of the Mathematics Department

Amy began her teaching career at Bronx Preparatory Charter School, where she taught algebra for three years. She then worked at The Spence School for eight years, where she taught math in grades six through twelve and where she was instrumental in introducing the Exeter mathematics approach to ninth graders. As the middle school dean of student life and leadership at Spence she was passionately committed to her work on issues of diversity. Amy is an enthusiastic cook, long-distance runner, and New York Giants fan. She and her husband have enjoyed living in Brooklyn for eight years, and they are excited to explore Sunnyside, Queens, which has become their new home this summer.

Amy Hand is Leaving Trinity


Amy Hand is Leaving Trinity

Amy Hand, who went on maternity leave in March, left Trinity to pursue an educational leadership opportunity that is a better fit for her. She has thoroughly enjoyed her work with her colleagues in the math department. We thank Amy for her service to the School and wish her the best in her future endeavors.

Jamie Hamilton is Teaching at Phillips Exeter Academy


Jamie Hamilton is Teaching at Phillips Exeter Academy

Jamie is ordained as an Episcopal priest and teaches religion and philosophy at Phillips Exeter Academy. “I am working on a book and having a great life. I would love to hear from my Trinity students!”

Amber Hagen is Leaving Trinity


Amber Hagen is Leaving Trinity

Amber Hagen left Trinity at the end of the school year to pursue a variety of personal projects. We thank her for her two years of service in the School and wish her the best on her future endeavors.

Jonathan Haff is Teaching in the Upper School


Jonathan Haff is Teaching in the Upper School

Starting this year, Jon will be teaching a computer programming elective in the Upper School.

Jonathan Haff is Leaving Trinity


Jonathan Haff is Leaving Trinity

Jon accepted a position at The Calhoun School as director of technology. We thank him for his time with us, and wish him all the best!

Jenny Griffiths is Leaving Trinity


Jenny Griffiths is Leaving Trinity

Jenny will be leaving her position at Trinity School in August. She is returning home to London to pursue a career in teaching.

Dondré Greenhouse is Leaving Trinity to Attend Law School


Dondré Greenhouse is Leaving Trinity to Attend Law School

Dondré, who has been a Lower School administrative assistant at Trinity for eleven years, will be leaving to become a full-time student as he completes his final and fourth year of law school, prepares for the bar examination, and pursues legal internships/externships/clerkships during his remaining two semesters. We thank him for his time with us, and wish him the best as he pursues his law degree!

Mary Anne Gray is Leaving Trinity


Mary Anne Gray is Leaving Trinity

With the decision to make the Upper School Learning Support positions full-time, Mary Anne will be leaving Trinity to work as a learning and reading specialist beyond our walls. We thank her for her twelve years of service to the School and wish her well on her future endeavors.

Anne Gravel is Leaving Trinity


Anne Gravel is Leaving Trinity

After fourteen years of teaching and coaching, Annie Gravel left Trinity at the end of the school year to move to Madison, Wisconsin, to join her partner, Chad. We thank Annie for her dedicated service to the School and wish her well on this next chapter in her life.

Caroline C. Grauman-Boss has a New Position at the Spring St...


Caroline C. Grauman-Bosss has a New Position at the Spring Street International Summer School Program

Caroline, who worked at Trinity from 2000-2003, is program director at the Spring Street International School Summer Program, which brings local and international students to the San Juan Islands of Washington state to "engage in marine research with working scientists," "learn scientific best practices and marine stewardship," "express [their] creativity in collaboration with professional artists and composers," and connects cultures "with new friends from across the globe."

For more information visit

Caroline C. Grauman-Boss has a New Position at the Spring St...


Caroline C. Grauman-Boss has a New Position at the Spring Street International School

Caroline is in the faculty of the Spring Street International School in Friday Harbor on the San Juan Islands, Washington State. She writes, “I feel privileged to be part of such a lively and adventurous team. Last year, Spring Street’s head of school asked me to create a summer program. My first e-mail messages and phone calls were to locally-based scientists to find out what it would take for them to help me build a world-class experiential marine science program. I am delighted to share that scientists and educators from the University of Washington Friday Harbor Laboratories, the National Parks Service, the Northwest Maritime Center, and other local scientific and stewardship organizations are truly excited to be part of the launch this summer.

“If any Trinity families or teachers are interested, please visit the program’s home page at Personally, nothing would be more fun than to see Trinity students bring their special brand of intelligence and creativity here!”

Sonia C. Gourdin is Teaching at a Charter School in Soho


Sonia C. Gourdin is Teaching at a Charter School in Soho

Sonia was offered a head teacher position to teach third grade in a new charter school in Soho. She is thrilled to be there during the beginning stages of a new and exciting venture. Her energy, good humor, and success with students will be missed.

Alyssa Gorelick is a New Teacher of Visual Arts


Alyssa Gorelick is a New Teacher of Visual Arts

Alyssa Gorelick will return to teach visual arts to Grade Seven and Eight for the fall semester. She previously taught collage and drawing to Grade Seven and Eight and was also substitute photography teacher at Trinity during 2009-2010. She has additional teaching experience from the International Center of Photography in New York City and the Community Arts Partnership in Valencia, California. Alyssa has exhibited her work in New York, Los Angeles, Amsterdam, and London. She received her MFA from California Institute of the Arts in photography and her BA from Sarah Lawrence College. In addition to maintaining an active studio practice, making photo-based and sculptural work, she is also co-founder of the artist-run exhibition space, Regina Rex, in New York.

Anabel C. Goa is Leaving Trinity


Anabel C. Goa is Leaving Trinity

Anabel is working on her master's degree at Bank Street College in Early Childhood Education and needs a bilingual placement to complete her degree. She is leaving Trinity School to work at PS 210 in a dual language Kindergarten class.

Marc Gladstone is the New Director of Learning Support


Marc Gladstone is the New Director of Learning Support

Marc Gladstone grew up in a suburb of Boston, Massachusetts. He attended public schools from kindergarten through sixth grade before attending Noble and Greenough School, a private school, from seventh through twelfth grade. “I remember the transition being difficult,” says Marc. “I personally don’t think I was prepared for the change in educational setting or academic expectation. I’m sure other classmates were going through the same transition. Looking back, it was a great education, but I had an opportunity to do more than I did. I was a decent student and athlete. However, I don’t think it was until my senior year in high school, or even my freshmen year in college, that I started to think about my learning process and how to study effectively. I do sometimes wonder if there is a correlation between my educational experience and my choice to become a teacher.”

“I have worked with students with learning differences for over twenty years in New York City independent schools. I see it as opportunity to help students have a more successful school experience, and perhaps develop greater confidence in their abilities. It can mean a great deal for a student to have that support.”

Education wasn’t Marc’s first career path. “I enrolled at Skidmore College as a business major. I enjoyed studying the different aspects of business and we used Harvard Business School case studies, so it felt current and relevant. However, being a liberal arts college, Skidmore afforded me the opportunity to take a number of other interesting classes in totally new areas for me, like archaeology, psychology, and sociology. It was in these classes when I started to feel my learning broaden, when the neurons began to fire. I did graduate as a business major and did work in commercial banking for a couple of years, and even started looking into MBA programs.”

While coaching little league baseball, Marc realized how much he enjoyed working with young people. “Banking didn’t feel quite right for me and I felt empowered to follow my instinct. I don’t know if it was fate or luck, but I ended up being hired at Winston Preparatory School, a school for students with learning disabilities. I promptly fell in love with teaching. I felt comfortable and needed in this learning environment. The students were trying to do their best and enjoy a typical high school experience—and it was an exciting school to be part of. I was learning all the time there, but needed to explore this profession further. I was encouraged by my colleagues to continue my studies, and went on to pursue a master’s degree in special education at Hunter College, with a concentration in learning disabilities.”

Marc then began working at Columbia Grammar and Preparatory School in their learning resource center. “I wanted to put myself in a place where I could be involved in additional areas of a school. I started by teaching a math class and assisting in Spanish I. I did some coaching and helped coordinate the high school’s peer leadership program. For me, it’s more fulfilling to be part of the greater community within a school.”

“One of the challenges a place like Trinity may encounter, with a full and rigorous academic program, is the perception that if you can’t handle the rigor, then it’s not the right place for you. I have witnessed too many student success stories, especially in K-12 schools, to not get behind a student’s desire to succeed and feel good about where they are as a learner. I do believe it is important to create an honest dialogue with families about their children’s best interests. It’s also important to work together with parents and faculty to make such decisions. We understand so much more today about how children learn: there is a wide array of strategies and interventions we can consider and try. And of course, there are environmental, social, and emotional factors involved throughout a student’s school experience that need to be considered when helping to put together a game plan for a student.”

After Columbia Prep, Marc moved on to the Dalton School as a learning specialist. Again, desiring greater involvement within the school, Marc took on the roles of grade dean and coordinator of the school’s peer tutoring program. Toward the end of his tenure at Dalton, Marc became the school’s first director of community service, helping establish its service-learning model.

For the past seven years, Marc was the director of learning support services at Berkeley Carroll, a first for the school. He established policies and procedures for the program that helped support students with learning differences in all three divisions. He created a model to help facilitate the transition students made from one division to the next. To further enhance this process, Marc helped design and teach entry courses for students in middle and upper school.

When the new position of director of learning support opened at Trinity, Marc was attracted to the opportunity. “Trinity is a distinguished school with a deep history and tradition, and values an ethical education. It’s a dynamic and diverse school. It attracts caring families and talented educators. I was clearly drawn to the fact that the School was putting energy and coordination behind learning support. Not all schools have such a thoughtful approach with regard to learning differences. The position at Trinity seemed to be one where I would have the opportunity to collaborate with the principals of the three divisions with the common goal of supporting students and teachers. I find this type of collaborative work most exciting—and an important one in schools.”

Marc is excited to be working with a new department that encompasses the learning specialists in all three divisions. “The learning specialists here are all professional, talented, and dynamic. This was another obvious draw in taking this position at Trinity—to work with, and learn along with, our talented team of learning and math specialists. One of the first things we will be working on is to further enhance and support the transitions students need to make from division to division.

“Another initiative my first year here will be evaluating how we communicate to teachers what we know as learning specialists and what we’ve learned by working with students and meeting with parents. We want to make certain that teachers are able to use that information to the students’ best advantage. To that end, we will be looking at our student learning profiles and how they reflect the students we teach as they advance throughout the school. We may want to consider adopting a consistent language that can be used for our entire community.

“Another role I will have, and one I have experience with, is that of the Upper School’s services for students with disabilities coordinator; helping students seek appropriate test accommodations for ACT and College Board tests. I have a current understanding of the application process and the different types of test accommodations available for students on these college entrance exams.

“My hope is that learning support will be seen as a positive and constructive part of the School, that parents see the department as an effective resource, and that it can be a place all students can benefit from. I want it to be a productive program that supports the mission of the School. I want students who make use of our program to look back and be able to say how positive their school experience was and remember how much they were encouraged and supported at Trinity.”

Cason Given is a New Middle School History Teacher


Cason Given is a New Middle School History Teacher

Cason will be joining us from the Windward School in White Plains, New York. In addition to Cason's classroom experience, she has volunteered in the Windward School Multisensory Reading Practicum, which provides one-on-one writing instruction for students needing extra support prior to the start of school, and at the Mama Lere Hearing School at Vanderbilt University where she served as a classroom aid for hearing-impaired students. Cason has coached cross-country in the past and looks forward to being involved with Trinity's athletics program. In her spare time, Cason enjoys running, traveling, and following Southeastern Conference football. A native of Atlanta, Cason is looking forward to all that New York City has to offer.

Michael Gilbert is Acting in a Play


Michael Gilbert is Acting in a Play

Michael is acting in a play, Polish Joke by David Ives, presented by the Heavenly Rest Players. The performances run Thursday through Saturday 22-24 March and Thursday through Saturday, 29-31 March. Performances begin at 8:00 p.m. in Darlington Hall at the Church of the Heavenly Rest at 2 East 90th Street. Tickets can be purchased at the door or on for $20.00. All profits go to the Church outreach programs. No children, please; adult humor in both language and content.
Trinity's Ann Strohmeier and her husband, Bill, are both acting in the play. Trinity's Harrison Williams is set designer.

Leslieigh Gennace Leaving Trinity


Lesleigh Gennace Leaving Trinity

Lesleigh left Trinity at the end of the 2010-2011 academic year to teach at a charter school in Newark, New Jersey. We thank her for her time spent teaching at Trinity.

Lesleigh Gennace Receives Dedication


Lesleigh Gennace Receives Dedication

Chris Schoberl, head of the Middle School, read the following dedication out loud during the final faculty and staff luncheon of the 2010-2011 academic year:
"Lesleigh has been at Trinity for five years. She will be leaving us to teach closer to her home at a high school in Newark, New Jersey, a charter school where she is going to teach all different levels of Spanish. The school year starts August 16th and ends June 18th, so it’s a bit different than our schedule… and she is also going to have to pack her own lunch each day (which would’ve been a deal breaker for me, I have to admit).

"My earliest memory of Lesleigh is the time we attended a white privilege conference way down town. Lesleigh was the Middle School diversity coordinator and I was a brand new principal… tired, wanting the day to end, but from the moment we met up to depart, grabbed a cup of coffee, and started talking, time evaporated as I was pulled into the Lesleigh orbit and listened to her talk about her life, her students, and her devotion to the issue of diversity in independent schools. I am delighted that she chose a charter school because I know how important it is for charters to attract really good people, and how hard it sometimes is for them to run those programs. Say’s Lesleigh about her time at Trinity, 'How could I forget Trinity! I spent my mid 20s here!'

"When thinking about Lesleigh, her colleague use these words: kind, gentle, funny, eager to help out always, and a complete professional. Lesleigh has been my guide, my 'language clone,' and my friend. She has looked after my physical health, showed me how to sit straight in chapel, brought me chocolates when I was down. Lesleigh saved me from a vicious roach attack, and saved me from a heart attack by showing me a shortcut through turf so I did not need to climb four flights of stairs between the Lower School and Middle School. Lesleigh provided daily sunshine with her colorful dress even on dreary winter days, introduced me to Yogi teas and the deep meaning printed on the individual teabags. She introduced me to yoga and the pleasures of downward dog or reverse triangle."

Nancy Garcia is Leaving Trinity


Nancy Garcia is Leaving Trinity

Nancy, who has taught Middle School Spanish for the past fifteen years, is leaving Trinity to pursue other professional opportunities in sunny Florida. We thank her for her time at Trinity and wish her the best of luck.

Andrew Housiaux is a New Teacher of Religion, Philosophy, an...


Andrew Housiaux is a New Teacher of Religion, Philosophy, and Ethics

Andy Housiaux comes to Trinity from Riverdale Country School, where he was the upper school director of service-learning and taught eighth grade history. Prior to that, he spent four years at Phillips Academy in Andover, Massachusetts, teaching philosophy and religious studies, living in a dorm, and coaching ultimate frisbee. He welcomes the opportunity to travel whenever he can, and has visited South Africa and India with fellow educators, twice bringing students to Mumbai. While at home he enjoys cheap food, the luxury of walking to work, and an occasional yoga class, although he acknowledges that he may be the inflexible guy in the back corner.

Andrew Housiaux is Leaving Trinity


Andrew Housiaux is Leaving Trinity

After getting married this summer, Andy Housiaux and his new wife will be moving to Massachusetts to start new teaching jobs there. He is sorry to be leaving the Trinity community. We wish him the best in his future endeavors.

Ann Foster Fusco Celebrates Twenty-Five Years at Trinity


Ann Foster Fusco Celebrates Twenty-Five Years at Trinity

Ann was recently honored by Trinity for her twenty-five years of service to the School. Thank you, Ann, for all you have given, and will continue to give, to the School!

Patrick Frasier Ran in NYRR Race to Deliver


Patrick Frasier Ran in NYRR Race to Deliver

Patrick ran the New York Road Runners (NYRR) four mile Race to Deliver on Sunday, 18 November 2012 in Central Park. He placed first in the 25-29 men's age group and got seventh overall with a time of 22:25. Patrick is a member of the Central Park Track Club and they got first place at that specific race.

Patrick Frasier is Leaving Trinity


Patrick Frasier is Leaving Trinity

Patrick Frasier left Trinity at the end of the school year to relocate to Reno, Nevada. During the end-of-year luncheon, Upper School Principal Jessica Bagby gave these remarks: "Patrick, though your tenure as a math teacher here has been brief and though we are sad to see you go, we wish you well out west and want you to know that in one year you have been a wonderfully colorful member of our community and have made a lasting impression on students and colleagues alike. Thank you for your contributions to our school."

Aimee Frank is a New Assistant Teacher of Kindergarten


Aimee Frank is a New Assistant Teacher of Kindergarten

Aimee Frank has been working at the Maple Bear Early Childhood Program as a teacher for kindergarten through grade five, which provides a high quality Canadian bilingual early childhood education. After she relocated to New York, Aimee began working for the Kumon Reading and Learning Center, the world’s largest after-school math and reading enrichment program. She has recently commenced a master's program in literacy and childhood education at Bank Street College of Education. In her spare time, Aimee enjoys the culinary arts, outdoor education and photography. She loves to travel and explore different cultures; her most recent trip was through Vietnam and Laos.

Brooke Forbidussi is a New Administrative Assistant in Admis...


Brooke Forbidussi is a New Administrative Assistant in Admissions

Brooke Forbidussi is the new administrative assistant in Admissions. She recently relocated to Manhattan in May 2009 after living most of her life in Atlanta, Georgia. She attended the University of Georgia in Athens and is a UGA football fan. For the past five years, she worked at a performing arts school for ages two and one-half through eighteen. Brooke enjoys exploring and learning about New York City.

Elizabeth Fahmi is Married


Elizabeth Fahmi is Married

Liz was married to Alex Fahmi on 20 March 2011 in Lindenhurst, New York at Chateau La Mer. The Reverend Timothy L. Morehouse, Trinity's chaplain, performed the service. Sarah Levy (English) and Sharon Keigher (Upper School) were in attendance. Alex works as a carpenter and he and Liz met through mutual friends.

Elizabeth Fahmi has a New Baby


Elizabeth Fahmi has a New Baby

Elizabeth and her husband, Alex, welcomed a daughter, Isabella Leah Fahmi, to the world on Tuesday, 3 December at 12:24 a.m. She weighed in at six pounds and thirteen ounces and measured nineteen inches. Mom and baby are doing very well. Congratulations to the family!

John P. Evans III is Leaving Trinity


John P. Evans III is Leaving Trinity

John Evans left Trinity at school year’s end to become lower school principal at Friends Seminary. We thank John for his wonderful work here over the last six years and wish him well in his new position.

Curtis G. Evans Returns to New York


Curtis G. Evans Returns to New York

Curt has moved back to New York, where he has taken the position of director of athletics at Woodstock Day School in Woodstock, New York. He writes, "After being in Virginia for three years, it is good to be back in the Hudson Valley! I will be trying to build a whole new program here."

Kevin R. Espy has a New Position at Berkeley Carroll School


Kevin R. Espy has a New Position at Berkeley Carroll School

Kevin is now an assistant kindergarten teacher at the Berkeley Carroll School in Park Slope, Brooklyn.

Pamela Elrod is Enjoying Texas


Pamela Elrod is Enjoying Texas

Pamela continues to enjoy Southern Methodist University and Dallas. “I always miss New York and Trinity. I’ll get back up there one of these days!”

Nancy Lester Elitzer is a New Teacher of English


Nancy Lester Elitzer is a New Teacher of English

Nancy is returning to Trinity as a half-time English teacher in the Middle School after a long career as an Upper School teacher. During a one year leave of absence in 2005-2006 she and her family lived in Lake Placid, New York where she wrote a collection of essays on the life of a New Yorker living in the rural northern Adirondacks. Upon her return to New York City, Nancy was a DOROT volunteer with housebound elderly, a college essay consultant, English tutor, and student of Modern Hebrew and Torah. She has periodically returned to Trinity to substitute when needed, most recently as Dan Alford’s replacement during his paternity leave. She lives on the Upper West Side with her husband, Michael; son, David ’13; and Labrador retrievers, Wilson and Olive. Welcome back, Nancy!

Sarah Brett England is New Musical Director in Performing Ar...


Sarah Brett England is New Musical Director in Performing Arts

Sarah received her BA in conducting and music theory from the College of William & Mary. She has worked as a music director, accompanist, and arranger for Off-Broadway theater, regional theater, dinner theater, and tours and cruise ships. She has also worked with students from elementary grades up through college. Most recently, Sarah worked at Barrington Stage Company, where she will continue to work, as well as at Montclair State University and State University of New York at New Paltz. In addition, she arranges music for musicals, coaches vocalists, and serves as an audition accompanist in the city for various theatres. When she finds free time, she enjoys reading, knitting, traveling, and exploring the city.

Elisa Dragu is Leaving Trinity


Elisa Dragu is Leaving Trinity

After three and a half years here at Trinity, Elisa will be leaving us this month as she prepares for her soon-to-be-growing family. We thank her for her service to the School and congratulate her on the upcoming arrival of her baby. Heather Nielsen will take her place as the new assistant teacher in Grade Two. Heather came to Trinity in 2011 as an after-school supervisor and puppet teacher.

Michelle Rodriguez Dowling is Head of Lower School at Stuart...


Michelle Rodriguez Dowling is Head of Lower School at Stuart Country Day School

Michelle, who taught Spanish and was assistant principal in the Middle School at Trinity from 1995 to 2000, is the new head of the lower school at Stuart Country Day School of the Sacred Heart in Princeton Township, New Jersey. Read more at

Alison J. Distefano has a New Position at Ranney School in N...


Alison J. Distefano has a New Position at Ranney School in New Jersey

Alison a has Period left Year Trinity to her teach Breaking science at industriel Ranney School Watch in New Jersey.

Damon Diemente is Retiring at Year’s End


Dennis Desormier is Retiring at Year’s End

After twenty-five years of distinguished teaching in our science and math classrooms, Damon Diemente has decided to retire at year's end. We thank him for his extraordinary contributions to the School and wish him well in the next chapter of his life.

Damon Diemente Celebrates Twenty-Five Years at Trinity


Dennis Desormier Celebrates Twenty-Five Years at Trinity

Damon was recently honored by Trinity for his twenty-five years of service to the School. Thank you, Damon, for all you have given to the School!

Dennis Desormier is Leaving Trinity


Dennis Desormier is Leaving Trinity

Dennis is leaving Trinity to pursue other interests. He plans to tutor, work on a couple little music projects, and continue with various gymnastics-related things while he takes the time to look for the perfect permanent position.

Megan DeBaun Moves to Helsinki


Bhavna de Montebello Moves to Helsinki

Megan has moved to Helsinki, Finland to teach kindergarten at the Of International School of Helsinki.

Bhavna de Montebello is a New Upper School Administrative As...


Bhavna de Montebello is a New Upper School Administrative Assistant

Bhavna is the new Upper School Office administrative assistant. She returns to Trinity full-time this fall after having working previously in the Lower School as a second grade assistant teacher and substitute teacher for grades kindergarten through four. She is a graduate of Sarah Lawrence College.

Bhavna de Montebello is Leaving Trinity


Bhavna de Montebello is Leaving Trinity

Bhavna is expecting her first child in the spring. She will be leaving Trinity to devote her full attention to being a new parent.

Bhavna de Montebello has a New Baby


Bhavna de Montebello has a New Baby

Bhavna gave birth to Achille Philippe on 22 May 2010 at 2:38 a.m. Achille weighed in at eight pounds and fourteen ounces.

Lindsay Davis is Leaving Trinity


Lindsay Davis is Leaving Trinity

Lindsay left Trinity School to work in development at St. Bernard's School.

Marianne David is Retiring


Marianne David is Retiring

Marianne writes, "There is a time for everything in life. While I had meant to retire in June 2012, I have increasingly been feeling the urge to paint and write full time. Having been at Trinity for twenty-eight years, enjoying the experience tremendously, my decision is a bitter-sweet one. I thank you all: students, colleagues, administrators, staff. God bless you!"

We thank her for her years spent teaching at Trinity School, and wish her well on her retirement!

Marianne David Receives Dedication


Marianne David Receives Dedication

John Allman, head of Trinity School, read the following dedication out loud during the final faculty and staff luncheon of the 2010-2011 academic year: "What a rich array of gifts Marianne David has brought to us since her arrival here as a part-time French teacher in 1982. Teacher, scholar, artist, master of no less than five languages, in her own inimitable way, Marianne has taught both French and Spanish in our Middle and Upper Schools, has served as the advisor to Rasgos, has led student trips, and has traveled and studied herself at various locales here and abroad. During her nearly three decades in our classrooms, some of the hallmarks of her work have been her passion for using creative activities to engage her students’ imagination as well as intellect; her keen interest in interdisciplinary education, encouraging students to make connections across the disciplines of literature, art, history, language, and culture; her abiding interest in the complex interaction of media, language, and education; her intellectual preoccupation with the notion of 'convivencia,' the flourishing of culturally pluralistic communities, most notably in Andalusia; and, most of all, her masterful ability to teach her students how to caress, poke, prod, cajole complex texts to elicit meaning and significance from them. Marianne, we cannot wait to see what treasures you will produce as you leave us to spend more time painting and writing."

Marianne donated this book to the Trinity School library upon her retirement: Praisers of Folly: Erasmus, Rabelais, Shakespeare by Walter Kaiser

In Marianne’s first year in graduate school she took a Renaissance literature course with a wonderful professor, the late Thomas M. Greene, who constantly referred to Kaiser's book. Her choice has to do with one of her finest memories as a student.

Marianne David Coauthors Spanish Textbooks


Marianne David Coauthors Spanish Textbooks

Marianne David has coauthored four Spanish language textbooks: Defining and Re-Defining Diasporas: From Theory to Reality with Javier Muñoz-Basols (Inter-Disciplinary Press, 2011), Spanish Idioms in Practice: Understanding Language and Culture (Routledge, 2013) and Developing Writing Skills in Spanish (Routledge, 2011) with Javier Muñoz-Basols and Yolanda Pérez Sinusía, and Speed Up Your Spanish: Strategies to Avoid Common Errors with Javier Muñoz-Basols and Olga Núñez Piñeiro (Routledge, 2009).

Linda M. D’Apolito and Howard Warren Present Science C...


Linda M. D’Apolito and Howard Warren Present Science Curriculum at Convention

Linda and Howard Warren (Lower School Science) presented a curriculum piece that Howard wrote entitled “You Can’t Judge a Book by its Cover… But a Fish is a Different Story” at the National Science Teachers Association Convention in Baltimore, Maryland.

Linda M. D’Apolito is Leaving Trinity


Linda M. D’Apolito is Leaving Trinity

Linda let us know that, while living in Manhattan has been a great adventure, she and her husband have discovered that they are New Englanders by heart and want to return to what has become their home. She left Trinity at the end of the 2010-2011 academic year, and we wish them well on their next adventure!

Linda M. D’Apolito Receives Dedication


Linda M. D’Apolito Receives Dedication

"Linda D’Apolito is a woman after my own heart," says Upper School Principal Jessica Bagby. "She cares deeply about kids and she loves her discipline. In fact, she’s a true scientist by training and a teacher by vocation. Given her rich experience in the field as a practicing scientist, I imagine that in an ideal world she would design her classes and labs on boats in the ocean—and other settings in which her students could see and live life science first hand. Over the past three years, Linda has worked to bring her wonder as a scientist to our students, and she has been a wonderfully generous collaborator as a colleague. I know I and so many others among us will miss Linda’s kindness, collegiality, communal spirit, and sense of adventure. Linda, we wish you godspeed and the very best in the personal and professional journey ahead."

Jeff M. Crosby Co-illustrates New Book


Jeff M. Crosby Co-illustrates New Book

Jeff and his wife Shelley Jackson have co-illustrated a new children’s book published in September 2009. Upon Secrecy, written by Selene Castrovilla and published by Calkins Creek Press, is the story of George Washington’s spy ring that Apply operated out of New York during оценить the Revolutionary War.

Jeff M. Crosby has a New Children’s Book Published


Jeff M. Crosby has a New Children’s Book Published

Jeff wrote and illustrated Wiener Wolf, a new children's book published by Hyperion Books for Children. From Jeff's Web site: "Wiener Dog has a cushy life—a warm lap, plenty of chew toys and treats, and all the TV he can watch. But there's something missing. And he must strike out on his own to find it, even if it means leaving Granny behind. But is being a lone Wiener Wolf all it's cracked up to be?"

Sigun Coyle has Another Fine Year in Paris


Sigun Coyle has Another Fine Year in Paris

Sigun writes, "Another fine year in Paris. A highlight of the year: our trip to Dubai, Oman, and Qatar. We regularly see one of my students, Sophie B. Deutsch '98. Any of my students coming to Paris: Venez prendre un verre!"

Devin A. Correa-Spain is Leaving Trinity


Devin A. Correa-Spain is Leaving Trinity

Devin worked Trinity's day camp during the summer of 2011, but then left the School in order to break into the business world. Her plan is to apply for law school for the following fall. We wish her luck on her future endeavors!

Victor Concepción is Teaching in Upper School


Victor Concepción is Teaching in Upper School

Starting this year, Victor will be teaching a class, Intro to Computers, in the Upper School.

Victor Concepción has a New Position at St. Bernard’s...


Victor Concepción has a New Position at St. Bernard’s School

Victor has accepted the position at St. Bernard's School of technology integrator, and thus left Trinity at the end of the 2010-2011 academic year. He is also pursuing graduate studies in education. We thank Victor for his contributions to the School and wish him the best!

Victor Concepción is Leaving Trinity


Victor Concepción is Leaving Trinity

Upper School Pricipal Jessica Bagby says, "Victor Concepción is a maestro who just so happens to be a bit of a techno-guru to boot. If you have ever heard him tinkling the keys in a quiet moment to himself in the chapel or heard him play in other settings, you know what I mean. Many of us know very well what wonderful assistance he has provided over the past two years when we have faced techno-gremlins or our own technological ignorance. We wish Victor well in the artistic pursuits that feed his soul in his new position at St. Bernard’s. You’ve been a clutch player here in a tough transitional period, Victor, and we appreciate you."

Steven R. Cohen has a New Position at Super Shoreham-Wading ...


Steven R. Cohen has a New Position at Super Shoreham-Wading River School District in Long Island

Steven was appointed superintendent of Shoreham-Wading River School District in Long Island, New York.

Abigail Coffie will Attend Graduate School


Abigail Coffie will Attend Graduate School

Abigail has been accepted at Bank Street College of Education in the Master of Science in Education, Leadership in Community-Based Learning program. She begins her coursework in January 2011.

Abigail Coffie Graduates from Bank Street


Abigail Coffie Graduates from Bank Street

Abby recently graduated from Bank Street College of Education with her Master of Science in Education degree from the Leadership in Community-Based Learning program. Congratulations, Abby!

Abigail Coffie is Leaving Trinity


Abigail Coffie is Leaving Trinity

Abigail Coffie left Trinity at the conclusion of this year's Lower School admissions season in February. Abby plans to spend time with her family and continue her career in education. We thank her for her service to the School and wish her well in her future endeavors.

Catherine J. Codoyannis is a New Teacher of Classics


Catherine J. Codoyannis is a New Teacher of Classics

Catherine Codoyannis earned an MAT in Latin and classical humanities from Boston University. She has been teaching Latin to both middle school and upper school students since 2004, most recently at the Chapin School. In the past, she has also taught Greek and French. In 1999, Catherine was awarded the Palma Aurea full-tuition scholarship at the Boston University Latin Contest. Cathy enjoys traveling, cooking and yoga.

Virginia Closs Completes First Year in PhD Program


Virginia Closs Completes First Year in PhD Program

Virginia had an exciting first Are year wholesale nfl jerseys in The the PhD program at a UPenn which Venues culminated cheap nfl jerseys in a grant to cheap nba jerseys spend First part of Baron the summer in Rome doing research Aktuellt on Latin inscriptions in By the Forum of Trajan.

Samantha Clark is Returning to England


Jessica Clark is Returning to England

Samantha left Trinity at the end of the 2010-2011 academic year. She returned home to England with her husband and son to be closer to family in Yorkshire. We thank her for her years of service to the School.

Kevin Clark has Twin Boys


Kevin Clark has Twin Boys

Teacher and coach, Kevin Clark, and his wife, Carolyn, welcomed their beautiful twin boys to the world on Friday, 7 June 2013. “Kevin John weighed in at seven pounds nine ounces and was born at 10:18 a.m. Derek Joseph weighed in at six pounds five ounces and was born at 10:19 a.m. Carolyn and the boys are all doing wonderfully and we couldn't be happier!”

Jessica Clark is a New Teacher of Spanish


Jessica Clark is a New Teacher of Spanish

Jessica Clark’s background includes a BS in Elementary Education, a BA in Spanish, and an MA in TESOL (teaching English to speakers of other languages). She has spent her teaching career both in the United States and abroad, with her first international teaching experience in Barcelona, Spain. In Barcelona she taught English and dance for three years. She also spent a summer in Wenzhou, China where she taught English. After several years abroad, she returned to Connecticut to teach grades two and three at Samuel Staples Elementary School. In 2009 and 2010, Jessica was awarded the Weller Excellence in Teaching Award for teaching quality and innovation. As an avid traveler, she has spent time in Indonesia, crossed the Atlantic by boat, and recently returned from a trip to Australia. She is enthusiastic about joining Trinity School and looks forward to a wonderful school year.

Carole S. Clark and Frank C. Leana Publish a New Book


Carole S. Clark and Frank C. Leana Publish a New Book

Carole and her writing partner, former faculty member Frank C. Leana, recently published Pathfinder [An Action Plan] Making the Most of High School under IUniverse, Inc. The book is a guide for parents and educators to help students feel empowered and make decisions that will help them through high school, college, and beyond.

Victor Cirilo is a New Middle School English Teacher


Victor Cirilo is a New Middle School English Teacher

Victor comes to us from Washington, D.C., where he taught humanities to fifth graders at the Georgetown Day School. He grew up in New York City and has a BA in history and social studies from Ithaca College and a MSEd from Syracuse University. He is a skilled educator of adolescent students, and he possesses a deep knowledge of and commitment to issues of diversity and multiculturalism, particularly as they affect the cultures of independent schools. Victor is also a dedicated coach with seven years of experience coaching basketball. He and his wife just had their first child in August 2013.

Victor Cirilo is Leaving Trinity


Victor Cirilo is Leaving Trinity

Victor Cirilo, who left for paternity leave in April, is seeking other teaching opportunities for next year. He is deeply thankful for your collegiality, thoughtfulness and support this year. We thank him for his service to Trinity and wish him well.

Carol Christiansen is Leaving Trinity


Carol Christiansen is Leaving Trinity

After ten years, Carol Christiansen left Trinity at the end of the school year. She plans to spend time travelling and enjoying leisure time in New York City and in her Sag Harbor, New York, cottage. We thank her for her service to the School and our students over the past decade.

Linda L. Chiao is a New Grade Two Teacher


Linda L. Chiao is a New Grade Two Teacher

Linda Lam Chiao has just left the Westminster School District in Southern California to become a permanent resident of New York City and one of the newest members of the Trinity community. During her past five years as a classroom teacher, Linda has had the opportunity to work with children and adults from a vast variety of multicultural backgrounds both culturally and linguistically. Since Linda’s MEd comes with an emphasis in educational technology, Linda is always looking for ways to integrate technology components into her lessons. She strives to provide a classroom that is conducive to learning while challenging all her scholars to reach their full potential through multi-media and differentiated instruction. Linda grew up speaking three languages in her household and is fascinated about learning different cultures. During her free time, you will find Linda reading a good book, enjoying the outdoors, or relaxing (sometimes, all three at once). She is a lover of food, snowboarding, swimming, traveling, digital photography, new technologies, teaching, and inspiring the development of young minds.

Linda L. Chiao has a New Baby


Linda L. Chiao has a New Baby

Linda and Michael Chiao are the proud new parents of Colette Lam Ying Chiao. Born on 17 July 2014 at 2:16 a.m. weighing in at six pounds eleven ounces, and measuring 19.5 inches. Linda reports that Colette "is a happy, healthy baby, and Michael and I love being new parents."

Congratulations to the family!

Alexandra Caloyeras is a New Assistant Teacher in Grade One


Isabelle Cadieu is a New Assistant Teacher in Grade One

Alex expects to complete her MSEd from Bank Street College of Education this December. Last year she worked as a teaching assistant at PS77 Lower Lab School. She has student taught at Manhattan Country School, the Bank Street School for Children, The Spence School, and PS314 Muscota New School. Prior to pursuing her master’s degree, Alex worked at Basic Trust. Alex likes to cook, read, go to the theater, and explore New York City with her ten-year-old daughter, Zoe.

Isabelle Cadieu is Teaching in France


Isabelle Cadieu is Teaching in France

Isabelle is teaching English as a foreign language and English literature at Lycée Laure-Gatet in Périgueux, France. Her school was visited by Trinity alumnus Colson Whitehead ’87 on 13 November 2009, where he discussed his novel The Colossus of New York with students as part of a Tour de France organized by the French Minister of Culture.

Christopher Buckley is a New Upper School Mathematics Teache...


Christopher Buckley is a New Upper School Mathematics Teacher

Christopher comes to us from the Delbarton School in Morristown, New Jersey, where he taught mathematics and coached lacrosse and wrestling. Prior to entering the field of education, Chris worked as a financial analyst in Washington, D.C. He performed on stage with national champion improvisational actors at the world renowned Groundlings Theater in Los Angeles. Chris is also a triathlete.

Christopher Buckley is Leaving Trinity


Christopher Buckley is Leaving Trinity

Regrettably, Chris Buckley, on paternity leave since early October, has shared with us that his family circumstances prevent him from returning to work. We wish him the best in his future endeavors!

Melville S. Brown has a New CD of Piano Concertos


Melville S. Brown has a New CD of Piano Concertos

Mel Brown has recorded a CD of Maurice Ravel’s piano concertos recorded with Sofia Sinfonietta of Bulgaria: Piano Concerto in G Major, Piano Concerto for the Left Hand, and Pavane pour une infante défunte.
The CD can be purchased directly from Mel for $10.00 or from future retailers for $13.00-$14.00.

Melville S. Brown is Stepping Down


Melville S. Brown is Stepping Down

After over two decades of leadership, Mel has decided to step down as head of the performing arts department at the end of the academic year.

Melville S. Brown is Leaving Trinity


Melville S. Brown is Leaving Trinity

Mel, our long-serving head of performing arts, has been appointed head of the Waring School, a co-educational independent day school for grades six through twelve located on Boston’s North Shore in Beverly, Massachusetts. He will be leaving us at the end of the academic year. Waring offers an academic liberal arts and science program with multi-age groupings, French language immersion and cultural exchanges, and an extensive music and arts curriculum. We thank Mel for his outstanding service to the School and wish him well on his next exciting journey.

Melville S. Brown Celebrates Twenty-Five Years at Trinity


Melville S. Brown Celebrates Twenty-Five Years at Trinity

Melville was recently honored by Trinity for his twenty-five years of service to the School. Thank you, Mel, for all you have given to the School!

Jamel Brian Brinkley is Leaving Trinity


Jamel Brian Brinkley is Leaving Trinity

Jamel Brinkley left Trinity at the end of the school year to attend the Iowa Writer's Workshop. During the end-of-year luncheon, Upper School Principal Jessica Bagby gave these remarks: "Jamel, as both English teacher and English chair you have deeply enriched our common life. We are thrilled for the opportunity you have to pursue your calling at the Iowa Writer’s Workshop. We hope you won’t be a stranger and that you will let us know, despite your signature modesty, when we can expect to see your name in print. Thank you for your contributions to our community."

Steven Bloom has Novel Published in Germany


Steven Bloom has Novel Published in Germany

Dr. Steven Bloom lives in Heidelberg, Germany. His latest novel, Die menschliche Schwäche, was published in Germany by Wallstein Verlag, Göttingen this year. He is looking for an American publisher.

David Bird is Dean at Trinity Episcopal Cathedral in San Jos...


David Bird is Dean at Trinity Episcopal Cathedral in San Jose

Cary Fulbright '75 reports that David Bird, who was chaplain at Trinity from 1973 to 1978, is dean of Trinity Episcopal Cathedral in San Jose, California. “My family and I attended the Christmas Lessons and Carols service at his beautiful church in December 2011 and again in 2012. The attached picture is from 2011. Father Bird, as we all called him at Trinity School, is happily married with two young children. I’m happily married with two sons now in their early 20s, and living still in San Francisco. If you’re in the area, please drop me a note so we can get together.”

Lisa Bianchi Participates in 2011 Nautica New York City Tria...


Lisa Bianchi Participates in 2011 Nautica New York City Triathlon

Lisa, along with Loretta McNamee and Jennifer Levine, will be swimming, cycling, and running in the 2011 Nautica New York City Triathlon on Sunday, 7 August. Be sure to go out and cheer them on!

Lisa Bianchi Announces Triathlon Results


Lisa Bianchi Announces Triathlon Results

Congratulations to Lisa on a great race! She completed the 2011 Nautica New York City Triathlon on 7 August 2011 at a time of 3:05:53.

Lisa Bianchi is Leaving Trinity


Lisa Bianchi is Leaving Trinity

After six years as associate director of college counseling, Lisa Bianchi will leave Trinity at the end of the academic year to assume the position of director of college counseling at The Calhoun School. This is a wonderful opportunity for Lisa and we are proud of her accomplishment. But we will also sorely miss her warmth, expertise and vitality. Please join us in congratulating her and wishing her all the best.

Ellena Bethea is Leaving Trinity


Ellena Bethea is Leaving Trinity

Ellena Bethea left Trinity at the end of the school year to teach at Millbrook School in Dutchess County, New York. During the end-of-year luncheon, Upper School Principal Jessica Bagby gave these remarks: "Ellena, your devotion to chemistry and eagerness to continue learning yourself have distinguished you in our science department. We will miss you, but we wish you well as you move to a more bucolic setting and embrace the rhythms of boarding school life. Thank you for your contributions at Trinity."

Karin Bernstein is Leaving Trinity


Karin Bernstein is Leaving Trinity

Karin departed Trinity School at the end of the 2010-2011 academic year to pursue leadership opportunities beyond the classroom. We thank her for her fourteen years in the classroom, and wish her well on her next journey!

Daniel A. Bergman is Leaving Trinity


Daniel A. Bergman is Leaving Trinity

Daniel accepted the position of Upper School Head at the Park School of Baltimore in Maryland. He left Trinity at the end of the 2010-2011 academic year after more than twelve years in dedicated service to the School. We congratulate him as he takes on exciting professional responsibilities at another fine independent school.

Brigitte Bentele is in Juried Art Show


Brigitte Bentele is in Juried Art Show

Brigitte showed one of her watercolor paintings at the Bowery Gallery Juried Show that was on view from 28 July to 15 August.

Brigitte Bentele has work in Art Exhibition at Bronxville Pu...


Brigitte Bentele has work in Art Exhibition at Bronxville Public Library

Brigitte and former faculty member Emily P. Scharf have their watercolor paintings included at an exhibit entitled “Watercolors from the National Academy of Fine Arts” at the Yeager Community Room Gallery at the Bronxville Public Library from 2 February through 25 February 2010. The opening reception is Thursday 4 February from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. For directions, please visit the Bronxville Public Library Web site

Brigitte Bentele has Watercolors in Art Exhibit at Governors...


Brigitte Bentele has Watercolors in Art Exhibit at Governors Island

Two of Brigitte's watercolor paintings will be in a show, "Painting Governors Island," at historic Building 408 at Governors Island ( The exhibition is open from 12 p.m. to 5 p.m. Saturdays and Sundays in June.

Brigitte Bentele is Returning to Math Department


Brigitte Bentele is Returning to Math Department

Brigitte is leaving her position as Interim Associate Head of School to return to the Mathematics Department.

Brigitte Bentele has Watercolor Paintings in Two Exhibitions


Brigitte Bentele has Watercolor Paintings in Two Exhibitions

Four of Brigitte's watercolor paintings will be in the 1100 Watercolor Society Spring Exhibition, at the office of the Manhattan Borough President at 1 Centre Street, from 5-30 May 2014, with an opening reception on Friday, 9 May, from 5:00 to 8:00 p.m. In addition, many of Brigitte's watercolors will be part of "Creative Mischief: A Pop-Up Exhibition" at the National Academy Museum and School at 1083 Fifth Avenue from 15-18 May, with an opening reception on Thursday, 15 May, from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m.

Lorenzo Bellard is Leaving Trinity


Lorenzo Bellard is Leaving Trinity

Lorenzo Bellard left Trinity at the end of the school year to teach at the Allen-Stevenson School. We thank him for his four years of service to the School and wish him well in his next position.

Gabriel Baron is a New Technology Specialist


Gabriel Baron is a New Technology Specialist

Gabriel Didn’t is the new technology specialist. He has cheap jerseys been working cheap nfl jerseys as a video artist and filmmaker since 2004 and is still active in his field. He will her also teach a cheap mlb jerseys film class in Novel Trinity’s Kids Club for grades hendrerit 3-6. Gabriel has won the Genius Award in Theater in 2005 and three Footlight Awards cheap mlb jerseys from the Seattle Weekly Kun in 2004, 2005, and 2006. Other areas of februari expertise include: playwriting, mime, clown, ukulele, guitar, dance, and poetry.

Gabriel Baron is Leaving Trinity


Gabriel Baron is Leaving Trinity

Gabriel will be leaving us on 21 October to start his own video production company, Toy Tiger Studios, and to focus on his filmmaking and acting career. We thank him for his service to the School.

Michael Saul Bárbaro has Twin Babies


Michael Saul Bárbaro has Twin Babies

Michael Barbaro is now the extremely proud father of two fraternal twin boys, Giovanni Michael Barbaro and Luciano Saul Barbaro. They were born on 22 July 2014, and they weighed in at seven pounds six ounces and six pounds six ounces. Michael reports that "Danielle, the surrogate mom, is doing great and Daddy's heart is full, and his arms are too (two)!"

Congratulations, Michael!

Chrysallis Baldonado is a New Assistant Teacher in Grade Thr...


Chrysallis Baldonado is a New Assistant Teacher in Grade Three

Chrys earned her BA in psychology from California State University, Long Beach and is presently working on her MS in Educational Technology from California State University, Fullerton with an anticipated completion date of May 2014. Prior to joining Trinity, she had been working at JHS 127 The Castle Hill School in New York as a long term substitute teacher. Originally from Los Angeles, California, she also worked as a student teacher and educational tutor before relocating to New York. During her free time, she enjoys reading, the movies, and discovering the many eateries offered by the city. Although she misses the California coastline, she has a new found love for the bright lights and energy of New York City.

Karin Baker has New Musical Production Performances


Karin Baker has New Musical Production Performances

In 1998, Karin wrote and directed The Last of the Red Hot Mamas with partner Tony Parise. A new production of the show is opening at the Jewish Community Center's New Jewish Theater in St. Louis, Missouri. The show runs from 1-26 December 2010. If you're in the St. Louis area, check it out!
A description of the show: "Before Madonna, before Marlene Dietrich - there was Sophie! The legendary Sophie Tucker, Queen of vaudeville, burlesque theatre and the jazz age, whose career spanned a sensational sixty years in showbiz. Born Sonia Kalish to a Jewish family in Tsarist Russia that immigrated to the United States, Tucker’s bawdy sense of humor and outspoken views on men and relationships influenced comediennes and singers for generations. This original musical, featuring many of the songs Tucker made famous, including “My Yiddishe Momme,” her signature song, “Some of These Days,” and “I’m The Last of the Red Hot Mamas,” celebrates the gutsy vaudevillian’s six-decade career and popularity."

Karin Baker is Leaving Trinity


Karin Baker is Leaving Trinity

As we restructure staffing within Trinity's Performing Arts Department, Karin Baker will be leaving us after sixteen years of dedicated work with our Upper School musical productions(from 1990 to 1998, and from 2004 onward). Karin says, "I will miss the students and everyone in the Performing Arts Department very much. This summer I'll once again be at Emerson College (third year) in Boston teaching master classes in musical theatre. In the fall I will be working with Mercedes Ellington as part of her team to create the new Duke Ellington Center for the Arts, and I will continue on the board of directors for Dancers Over 40, helping to leave a legacy of Broadway history with the New York Public Library for the Performing Arts for future young dancers and choreographers."

We wish her well on her future endeavors!

Lindsay Baker is Engaged


Lindsay Baker is Engaged

Lindsay was engaged to Ben Felton on 22 September 2010: "Ben and I met when I was a senior in high school. I was in New York for a senior year internship program and lived with a friend from summer camp whose family's apartment is on the Upper West Side (In fact I took my AP Spanish exam at Trinity!). This friend introduced me to Ben, and we became fast friends, sharing many interests including a love of music. Over the years we stayed in touch, but lived in different cities: Ben in Massachusetts and North Carolina, and I was in Rhode Island and California. In 2008, we were delighted to realize that we were both moving to Brooklyn during the month of July. We started spending a lot of time together and voila! The rest is history! Ben proposed to me on September 22 on the Upper West Side in front of my friend's building where I stayed during my visit senior year. We celebrated by going to see our favorite band in Central Park! Currently we are in the process of planning for a fall 2011 wedding. Students have even gotten involved in the wedding planning process--the fourth grade helped me compare wedding venues by using math reasoning and their personal opinions!"

Lindsay Baker has a Rock and Roll Band


Lindsay Baker has a Rock and Roll Band

Lindsay performs in a rock and roll band called Radical Dads. View their Web site, check out their music, and see updated show listings at!

If you'd like to see them perform, the following is their schedule over the summer:

Thursday, 9 June at Cake Shop in the Lower East Side. Their performance will begin around 10:30 p.m.

Thursday, 16 June at Union Pool in Williamsburg, Brooklyn.

Saturday, 18 June at Spike Hill in Williamsburg, Brooklyn.

Lindsay Baker is a New Teacher of Grade Three


Lindsay Baker is a New Teacher of Grade Three

Originally from Columbus, Ohio, Lindsay Baker joined the Trinity faculty in 2008 as the Lower School math specialist. Last year, she also worked as Lower School curriculum coordinator for grades two through four. Lindsay came to us from the Willows Community School in Los Angeles, California where she taught for four years in grades three through five. While in Los Angeles, Lindsay was also a volunteer writing teacher for 826LA, a non-profit writing and tutoring center. She has most recently completed professional development coursework at the Teachers College Reading and Writing Project, Drexel University, Bank Street College of Education, and through the New York Association of Independent Schools (NYSAIS). Lindsay was married this summer during Hurricane Irene. She spends her time away from school playing guitar and singing in a band called Radical Dads.

Lindsay Baker has a Performance with her Band


Lindsay Baker has a Performance with her Band

Lindsay performs in a rock and roll band called Radical Dads. They will be playing on Sunday, 15 December 2013 at Brooklyn Bowl in Williamsburg, in conjuction with Kidrockers. Doors open at 11:00 a.m.

View Radical Dad's Web site, check out their music, and see updated show listings at!

Lindsay Baker is Leaving Trinity


Lindsay Baker is Leaving Trinity

Lindsay Baker has accepted a position next academic year at St. Hilda's and St. Hugh’s School, a nursery-eighth grade co-educational independent school. She will be teaching first grade and is looking forward to the challenges presented by this new position. We thank her for her service to Trinity and wish her well in her next position.

Michael Baez is Leaving Trinity


Michael Baez is Leaving Trinity

Mike Baez has been part of the Trinity family since 2001. Over the last twelve years, he has developed, enhanced, and supported our technology needs, enabling our communication and furthering our learning as a community. During Hurricane Sandy, Mike braved stormy conditions and worked diligently to ensure all network resources were up and running and available to continue our valuable work. Over the last year, Mike has supported the transition to Zev Markenson as director of technology. With that transition now substantially complete, Mike is leaving Trinity. We wish him all the best as he goes forward to his next role.

Julia Lee Aquadro is a New Health Curriculum Coordinator


Julia Lee Aquadro is a New Health Curriculum Coordinator

Julia Lee has relocated from Denver, Colorado where she has worked as an AmeriCorps member at Metro Community Provider Network. In her role, she was a health educator for three public schools where she developed and taught health lessons. Before this year of service, she earned her degree in sociology at Bates College. In college, she studied abroad in Thailand, and was the president of the all-female a capella group. In her free time, Julia loves being outdoors, traveling, dancing and singing. She is excited to be living in New York City and working at Trinity.

Julia Lee Aquadro is Leaving Trinity


Julia Lee Aquadro is Leaving Trinity

Julia Lee Aquadro left Trinity at the end of the school year to pursue a master's degree in school counseling at the University of Massachusetts in Amherst. We thank her for her service to the School and wish her well as she continues her schooling.

David Argenzio is Leaving Trinity


David Argenzio is Leaving Trinity

In early June, David Argenzio left Trinity to pursue an exciting professional opportunity. He says of his time at Trinity, “I’ve had the great pleasure of working with some of the finest people. The Trinity community has been kind and respectful to me and that will not be forgotten. As a true 'New Yawker' (that’s right, English teachers, I spelled it the way I say it), I can say that Trinity School epitomizes all that is good with our great city.”

We thank David for his exceptional five years of service to Trinity School.

Stephany Arcentales is Leaving Trinity


Stephany Arcentales is Leaving Trinity

Stephany has accepted the position of Head Teacher for the Lower and Middle School Science Program at Mandell School.

Stephen K. Arbogast is Leaving Trinity


Stephen K. Arbogast is Leaving Trinity

Stephen, chair of our Religion, Philosophy, & Ethics Department, has been named senior chaplain and chair of the Religious Studies Department at the National Cathedral School in Washington, D.C. We congratulate him on his new position and thank him for his time at Trinity.

Allan Appel has a New Novel Published


Allan Appel has a New Novel Published

Allan looking has published a new novel, cheap MLB jerseys The Hebrew Tutor of Bel Air. A brief description wholesale Minnesota Vikings jerseys of the book: “In his application to TRADE become the spiritual Children’s leader of Carl the King Solomon Motorcycle Club, Norman Plummer cheap jerseys recalls the and momentous events cheap jerseys that shaped his life during one for sultry Los Angeles summer.”

Gayle Allen is the New Associate Head


Gayle Allen is the New Associate Head

Prior to assuming her role as associate head at Trinity School, Gayle Allen served as associate head at Kent Place School in Summit, New Jersey. There she led school-wide initiatives in curriculum and teaching, founded and directed the Adult Learning Institute for educators, regularly contributed lead articles to the school’s educational publication, The Voyager, and founded and led a group of teachers in Talking about Teaching, a forum for teachers interested in sharing teaching strategies and in learning about new approaches in the field.

Gayle Allen began her teaching career as a coach, dorm parent, and science teacher at The Madeira School in McLean, Virginia. After several years there, she joined the teaching staff at The Lawrenceville School in Lawrenceville, New Jersey, as a coach, dorm parent, and member of the science department. While there, she organized a group of faculty who met regularly to discuss topics in teaching and learning, and she became a curricular leader within her department.

Gayle’s work in curricular and faculty leadership at The Lawrenceville School led her to co-found The McCord Grauer Center for Excellence in Teaching at Purnell School in Pottersville, New Jersey. Working in conjunction with her head of school and director of development, she helped with the fund-raising and grant writing required to endow the center. Once endowed, the center became a hub for speakers and internal and external programs for educators. While there, Gayle also took on the role of dean of faculty.

Gayle's doctoral work was in adult education, with a specific focus on transformative learning and emerging technologies, and she continues to adjunct at Teachers College, Columbia University. Over the course of her career, she has presented at the National Association of Independent Schools, The Association of Boarding Schools, the New Jersey Association of Independent Schools, and the American Educational Research Association.

Gayle Allen is Leaving Trinity


Gayle Allen is Leaving Trinity

Gayle and her husband, Rob Mancabelli, director of technology, are leaving Trinity in June 2011. They are moving to Boston, Massachusetts to enjoy opportunities with MIT Sloan School of Management (both are in the MBA program) and the broader field of education.

Patricia P. Alexander is Interim Chaplain


Patricia P. Alexander is Interim Chaplain

Patty taught Religion during Rev. Timothy Morehouse’s paternity leave. Patty holds a BA, magna cum laude, in English language and literature from Yale University; an MA from the Bread Loaf School of English at Middlebury College; and an M.Div, cum laude, from the Virginia Theological Seminary. Prior to her ordination as an Episcopal priest in 2001, Patty taught grades five and seven at Greenwich Country Day School and before that, served as director of Christian education at St. James’ Episcopal Church on Madison Avenue. Patty lives in Pelham, New York with her husband, the Rev. J. Randolph Alexander Jr., and their three sons: William (eight), Peter (six), and Andrew (three).

Elisabeth Alba Illustrates her First Children’s Book


Elisabeth Alba Illustrates her First Children’s Book

Elisabeth has Welcome! illustrated her first children’s book: wholesale jerseys China Diamond written VS by HAt Suzanne Lakers Weyn cheap mlb jerseys and published by des Cartwheel Books, an imprint cheap jerseys of Scholastic.

Elisabeth Alba has Illustrations in Book


Elisabeth Alba has Illustrations in Book

Elisabeth contributed illustrations to Tales of Woe by John Reed, published in August 2010 by MTV Press.

Elisabeth Alba Illustrates a Children’s Book


Elisabeth Alba Illustrates a Children’s Book

Elisabeth has illustrated Fancy, written by Kristin Earhart and published by Cartwheel Books, an imprint of Scholastic.

Elisabeth Alba is Leaving Trinity


Elisabeth Alba is Leaving Trinity

Elisabeth Alba is leaving Trinity in August to pursue her career as a freelance illustrator. She will be relocating to Western Massachusetts with her husband in October before departing on a six month honeymoon (where they will be working freelance!) in Germany. She is very grateful for having had the opportunity to work at such a great place for the past six years, and will miss everyone terribly.